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Status Updates posted by KD8JBF

  1. While you in Ohio and all over are participating in, "Winter/The Month Of December" we Floridians refuse to... http://t.co/HYBvJQaXmk

  2. Just...wow.....No room for hatred in your heart...must watch.. http://t.co/JiaqxzuvWG

  3. None of you Buckeyes fans gonna take a vacation to Miami? Come on...who's going to the Orange Bowl?

  4. Shout out to all OSU fans turned FSU fans for the natty champ...

  5. And again....dear God help us...

  6. You can hear the pain in her voice...She says it doesn't affect her, but in reality, it really affects us... http://t.co/7Tq5xbFSI0

  7. Fire Weeden....

  8. The infamous OSU to Big House Bird....lol....How Classy....Go out big right?! http://t.co/b9I2aVkjTx

  9. This was full earlier today....Lol http://t.co/lqDM8SAz82

  10. Finished product....can't wait to dig in on Thursday. http://t.co/tOQs6BQv1b

  11. Complete shitty football day today...but gotta give it to new England...as much as I hate them, they deserved... http://t.co/zQPP58bNWD

  12. Baylor better than Ohio State? GTFO....

  13. 79° At 7:40 am in November? NBD http://t.co/Ug9eaxujla

  14. Wow....Just sad....Cancer is a nasty disease..... http://t.co/ai5oGJbiRL

  15. Chock it up to a rebuilding year....again....

  16. I give you number: 1,504,368.....that should keep you away for awhile while I don't give a crap....kthxbye

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