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Status Updates posted by KD8JBF

  1. Damn...those three caps in the middle...blown...surprised it's still running, but it's slow as hell....guess it... http://t.co/pVFqOQJ0tk

  2. Crowd sourcing....1599 Style.... http://t.co/6F22jjS9fG

  3. Mind eff...when teenagers call the music you listened to in high school, "Classic Rock"

  4. Looks like The Young Turks got a hold of this story and ran with it....WARNING: Explicit content....But... http://t.co/TdAV13J8up

  5. Who's staying up to watch the "Blood Moon"?

  6. No strep....Woohoo!! But as for the general checkup, I'm getting bloodwork done next Monday, and a sleep study... http://t.co/SKWhYvqhaR

  7. I don't think this kid is saying thank you.... http://t.co/i41eLmEwLR

  8. Good Morning Facebook! Lets make it a, "Drama Free Friday!" Have a good one!

  9. Must be something in the air tonight. Spring cleaning maybe? Everyone is purging their friends lists...I see it... http://t.co/O0yh4hjhlf

  10. SMH....Some shady things going on here... http://t.co/TuyOAeRqC4


    #HaHaha Stirrin' the pot!

  12. Some people are asshats..... http://t.co/1HA44dpxCI

  13. Wait...this Charlie Moreton? http://t.co/9kGQ9eox44

  14. Dr. Oz is in west Palm....at the gardens.... http://t.co/jEtlZvmebS

  15. Please continue to hold while Facebook adds additional capacity for additional photos. We're working hard to... http://t.co/zcbolHVBJI

  16. Just got this in the mall...I don't think I qualify to be in this association...Lol http://t.co/WYIpRdrvTl

  17. Chilling til midnight.... — at Starbucks http://t.co/K7odTxTprF

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