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Status Updates posted by KD8JBF

  1. Florida weather can suck it...




    Kids being kids...Lmao

  3. Hotel booked to pick up little bro and sis to come stay with us for a couple weeks...

  4. Goodnight everyone!

  5. Serious situations is back! http://t.co/Er6paBWRim

  6. Tropical Storm Arthur has formed in the Atlantic off the Coast of Florida....Maximum Sustained winds of... http://t.co/TNf9TTMq0P

  7. Tropical Storm One forms off the East Coast of Florida... http://t.co/a50gqXRcnY

  8. They should really make these rides more fat kid friendly...I sat in the test chair and fit, but didn't fit on... http://t.co/hlSKBndlVH

  9. here... — at Universal Studios- Islands of Adventure http://t.co/OXzfDR04Nu

  10. After hours call at midnight...cone on now...

  11. Tons of Brazilians in Orlando this weekend...maybe cause all the Americans are in Brazil?! — at Orlando Premium... http://t.co/CwepQhkRXV

  12. W1AW hammering away on 14.242....

  13. I Believe that We Will Win!

  14. Just FYI friends...if you have our home phone number....drop it...we're getting rid of it...This Saturday it will... http://t.co/PilJdMTpX5

  15. The decision part 2...Heat fans about to get butthurt.... http://t.co/qUJago6WIu


  17. Lmao...at least they have a sense of humor...#BreakingBad http://t.co/AVML64op9d

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