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Everything posted by Timh

  1. I think the weather today messed up the tower cuz I have no LTE anymore and I keep going from 1x to 3G or they where testing it
  2. The LTE is active for the past 3 days now. I work at stop and shop so I am close to that tower
  3. So is Meriden, Wallingford, Waterbury and more but like he said there not done
  4. No LTE on that tower and I would know cuz I work in that area
  5. Good glance and I called sprint and they told me that they were installing it and going to be live in 10 or so days.
  6. They are putting up sprint LTE panel on top of the west main tower
  7. They are deff doing work on the tower I top of hunters on west main st Meriden they started today
  8. Yah those two tower really need the updates and LTE now I can't even use the data downtown
  9. No I didn't and they were up there for one day and went away so idk
  10. I see guys working on the tower on top of hunters on west main st Meriden
  11. I walk past the tower all the time on westmain/south vine for work and was wondering about that tower thanks I can't wait for it to go love so I can have LTE all over Meriden
  12. More and more of Meriden it getting LTE almost half of the east side has it and one on top of the mall
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