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    4G Information

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Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. LTE service just started popping up in Pullman WA. I did a little mapping on sensory today.
  2. Hi guys! I'm new to these forums and I'm trying to figure some things out about the different LTE bands sprint has. My understanding is that TD-LTE is on the 2.5ghz band, PCS-LTE is on the 1900mhz band, and SMR-LTE is on the 800mhz band. I also understand that most sprint LTE devices only support LTE on the 1900mhz band. Is this all correct? If so that means that areas that are not mapped with the PCS band of LTE will not work with my Galaxy S3 which has a 1900mhz LTE radio. Correct? Is Sprint expected to expand LTE into the 1900mhz band everywhere, even the places that currently aren't launching with it? My main concern is actually Seattle which is marked as TD on the map. Please correct me if any of this is wrong.
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