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Status Updates posted by EliBohnert

  1. I love how you can tweet from notification center!

  2. Those who send txt messages while drivng are 23x more likely to be in a crash. Pledge @ http://t.co/cqpFhrEB. #ITCANWAIT

  3. IMHO Windows Phone and iOS are the future of mobile tech. Android will run its time and BB is pretty well already dead so.

  4. SRSLY I wake up 4 hours later and iOS6 is still not around?

  5. I haven't been this sick in years.

  6. I'm watching NCIS: Los Angeles (43 others checked-in) http://t.co/epRPs6ra #GetGlue @NCISLA_CBS

  7. LOL RT @TheEllenShow: I found out about a new feature of the iPhone 5. The iPhone 5 can now wait in line for the iPhone 6.

  8. I unlocked the Rihanna Fan sticker on #GetGlue! http://t.co/M1vPEa2d

  9. Whay BlackBerry stop blinking when I don't have a notification

  10. Why am I watching the CMA's

  11. Just because I support gay rights does not make me gay. That's like saying since I support iPhone's I am a iPhone.

  12. Ugh I hate cursive

  13. When you check your gmail spam box for the first time in a year and have over 330 emails...

  14. Yeah so I changed the name of the listttt http://t.co/tb8l28xs

  15. Hide and go seekkk!

  16. Just imagine how pretty This will be with a iPhone 5 camera :) (at The Bohnerts) [pic] — http://t.co/18QegNwO

  17. I just ordered real copies of my stickers from @GetGlue http://t.co/xghRfMXz

  18. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/9m85on4q The Best Of Train Horn Pranks

  19. This is one wierd rain!

  20. LOLOLOLOL did this just happen

  21. Wait waht why is Gotye on the radio no stap it

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