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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by EliBohnert

  1. I'm at The Bohnerts (Perryville, MO) http://t.co/1Z0MIDu1

  2. I'll pay you twitter money if you talk to me

  3. Gonna add all the stuff in my home town into yelp so apple maps has it all

  4. My eyes are on fire from the fire

  5. The comments are the best part of this. http://t.co/HSx49oBz

  6. So cold in my house


    #Nowplaying Naked Love by Adam Lambert

    The vocals on this track are sick.

  8. If that is considered salvery then I am a super slave http://t.co/2vuiASQi

  9. Y hair u so fluffy

  10. Somebody come hold me this tv show is scareing me

  11. What I had for supper when I was camping :)http://t.co/IyMeysXW

  12. Omfg why is my friend shooting pictures of al queda with GUNS LIKE KSBDIEJW 927262 AMOUNTS OF GUNS YOUR FREAKING 14 STAP

  13. Just realized I have 3 Samsung phones and a BlackBerry #opps

  14. ~Making your phones screen reflect into propels face on the other side of the arena.

  15. I refuse to wake back at you. You have a Todd Akin shirt on

  16. When you see people you don't like so you imminently turn the other way

  17. On my way back to the camper!

  18. Sometimes I can't even get data service here -.-

  19. I felt like a Jew being pushed out by Germans to some death camp

  20. Time for bed! If I feel all Better by this morning I might go to the fair!

  21. Listing to Jessie j, eating in bed ^^

  22. During commercials on tv I watch YouTube :P

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