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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by timdthomas

  1. @MSNBC Just another day in the life of the "president"

  2. @CNN He's a moron

  3. @TMobile Worst TMobile Tuesday ever. We aren't bronies you know. Pizza good. Donuts good. Ponies bad.

  4. @CNN Getting bad headlines for Trump is Trump's job

  5. @startrekcbs Sad no US netflix. Won't pay for another streaming service. Will wait for netflix or another option.

  6. @VP @650keni @POTUS Replacement should guarantee that millions don't lose coverage.

  7. @News_8 It would be nice to see Amazon HQ2 come here, we have so much talent available. Sadly, this is unlikely to happen.

  8. @news10nbc It would be great, I'm free to lead a sw development team, but I don't think it will happen.

  9. @CharlotteCoFL Good news about surge? Not as bad as expected?

  10. I just entered to win a Hawaii adventure from @ZOZI, curated by @ChrisLieto. http://t.co/GXivprJxjV #12DaysOfAdventure

  11. Giveaway: Republic Wireless — Motorola DEFY XT smartphone (and 6 months of service!) http://t.co/wq2TN721 via @gloss

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