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  • Phones/Devices
    iPhone 5
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Hildy's Achievements

Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. Not that I know of. Had LTE at Lindquist on Sunday, but I hadn't tried out there before, so not sure if that's new. Nothing new near airport or Magen's, though
  2. Sitting on the ferry in Cruz Bay just now... https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibv1lo4wd1a3k6y/Photo%20Nov%2015%2C%201%2058%2033%20PM.png
  3. Weird. I was restarting tests as I drove along waterfront and got as fast as 18/8, but it just disappeared as soon as I turned off the main road. Like I said, though, was having to restart my phone all day yesterday to get back on LTE whenever I lost it. Today, it found it on its own
  4. I went to frenchtown last night and had LTE all the way from mafolie until I turned at the post office. When I was leaving, I restarted my phone and had LTE right near the ball field, but speed wasn't great. Seems like my phone isn't picking up the signal easily anywhere, though. Lots of restarting.
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