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Big Merl

S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by Big Merl

  1. This is exciting times. Y'all should really sign up for the sponsors forums to see what I'm smiling so big about.
  2. I think I found my tower thanks to the Google Cards. I noticed they kept trying to send me home, so I clicked to see where it thought I was. It keeps reporting me near 28th and Woolworth. When I switched back to 3G it found me just fine. So I suspect there is a tower in that area that is barely reaching downtown. It would explain why ShapeChanger was getting signal at the KMTV site also.
  3. I don't know much about how towers work. Is it possible I'm only seeing it because I'm above ground level? I went down to the street and walked around for a few blocks and couldn't get any LTE. I came back upstairs and it came back on the second I stepped off the elevator.
  4. I think that means I figured it out correctly. I get LTE in my apartment, but when I went to ground level I had 3G. I don't know how to scan to see if I could get LTE there or not. The same thing happened with my old Evo on the other 4G they used to have downtown.
  5. Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by that? All I know is my phone flipped over from 3G to 4G and my speedtest went way up. I'm about 20th and Douglas streets. Sorry that I don't use all the fancy stuff and that means I can't be trusted. I'll try to remember that when they turn on a tower near work.
  6. LTE is live in Downtown Omaha! It just came online within the last hour. I just pulled 1347kbps down, 1315kbps up with a 53ms ping using speedtest and am successfully, for the first time ever in Omaha, streaming a movie to my S3. Whoo! I know there is still tuning to do and the rest of the city, but the fact that I'm connected by LTE is reason to celebrate!
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