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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. St. Louis probably needs 600 towers near Busch Stadium in the summer alone... getting a signal inside the stadium during a Cardinals game is brutal.




    I haven't tried with a 4G LTE phone on any of the carriers, but I know from going to games last year that Verizon was absolutely brutal to use. Data wouldn't even work. Lots of time, the phone would just straight go back to 1X.


    I know US Cellular was the wireless sponsor of the Cardinals, but with the Sprint takeover of that market, I have no clue who takes over.

  2. Once LTE Advanced with CoMP is available everywhere (2015 and afterward), I think it's feasible to, at the least, switch smartphone customers over to VoLTE with HD Voice. I don't think that CDMA will be sunset until at least 2020.


    By the way, where'd HD Voice on 1X go? The Evo was supposed to have that but nothing launched. T-Mobile at least has HD Voice going over AMR Wideband running on conventional UMTS channels.

  3. I've not had any love for American since they terminated most of the flights coming out of the old TWA hub in St. Louis.


    If this can lead to the old MD-80 fleet going away, however, I'm all for it. Unfortunately the consolidation of the airlines is irreversible at this point.

  4. Isn't this forum for sprint LTE roll out in Missouri market? Yep thought so, nobody is here to hear about att and Verizon


    I think it's relevant to see what Sprint has to compete with in a given market. I don't think Sprint has to blow these companies away. They just have to get the new network rolled out. Given Sprint's relationship with CenturyLink, I think they'll do very well in St. Charles County.


    But anyway, thanks for the snark. :lol::rofl::D

  5. Yes, the end of the Chicago rollout. I know Chicago is way ahead of most places as far as a complete Network Vision rollout goes. That's good because Chicago needs it. I just thought it was curious cornfields got LTE before the most populous part of the market, as well as the area where the most business takes place. The craziness of the urban environment is a good reason.

  6. I think it's definitely worth something in the future. That's a big reason why they want it in the spectrum caps.


    Verizon and AT&T would try to push out all the EBS usage and force that band into something like Europe's band plan, then try to buy the FD-LTE blocks, leaving Sprint with the TD-LTE spectrum. That's my first guess. I'm not sure it's obstructionist in the purest sense.

  7. That's what people assumed here too. But when AT&T took over Rio Arriba and Taos counties here from Alltel back in 2011, Alltel customers received a notice in the mail saying they had 60 days to either get an AT&T device or lose 3G service.


    True to form, AT&T shut down EVDO on the Alltel network about 10 weeks later and only 1x remained. My Alltel 3G roaming disappeared in AT&T areas. Well most of it.


    I still got Alltel EVDO in Verizon areas for another year before they switched to start being labeled Verizon. And I still occasionally can get AT&T Alltel EVDO in remote areas where AT&T still has EDGE. AT&T decided not to shut down EVDO where it didn't use the 850 spectrum themselves.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    It might hurt VZW coverage a little bit. They can put up towers IMO, they have a monopolistic lock on Southern Illinois, they can deal with being a duopoly and make almost as much money. :lol:

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