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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Status Updates posted by A_Bubz

  1. RT @TacoBell: Burrito + Quesadilla = #Quesarito. It’s here. http://t.co/d9RL9jrNrL

  2. Nothing ruins summer more than report cards being sent home

  3. RT @EPirotte: @A_Bubz is a bit excited that his new phone is waterproof... http://t.co/nojST9Z0c7

  4. "When someone pisses me off at swimming I just go over and pee by them..." Don't swim with grace guys @g_brimmy

  5. I could get used to these sunsets http://t.co/DQPL4dcU0M

  6. I'm to that point where I don't even want to read the spark notes version of a book.

  7. Editing the tweet from last night to four nights

  8. Pretty sure I just heard gunshots #leahood

  9. The exterminator has been sitting on our dock taking selfies for 15 minutes now ... http://t.co/6VzWZu4fTO

  10. Shout out to will Simpson for making chamber choir!!

  11. Kansas you're About a month too late for this whole April fools snow thing

  12. Really not understanding why the weather can't be like this all the time.

  13. Why am I just bow finding out about brobecks barbecue?

  14. Proce chopper at ranchmart has sushi now >>>

  15. Starbucks at ranchmart is open so that's where ill be today. ..

  16. Im celebrating valentines day by going to bed early...night

  17. Basically our geometry class has consisted of finding rice for @katiekissick s phone http://t.co/FH5qFo9

  18. "You're not even a photographer adam, your cameras like a digital piece of shit" well thank you very much @alexayoung_

  19. Only 34 more days until spring break! http://t.co/68edKkx

  20. Why can't it snow here like it did on the east coast?

  21. I actually cant stand people that won't shut up.

  22. Trying to order something off of a completely chinese website is impossible...anybody taking chinese want to help?? http://t.co/dsWprUD

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