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Everything posted by repete

  1. That bluemound tower is hitting me at work on 76th and main in west allis. The speed is nice but I'm most impressed at how much more battery I have at the end of the day. Way to go Sprint!
  2. Getting 4G at Milwaukee children's court on Watertown plank! Was not getting it here yesterday.
  3. Just be thankful Green bay isn't included in our market. Small town with their fancy flexible bridges....
  4. It couldn't have happened at a worse time for me. They're shrinking our cubicles at work and so I have no desk phone and my cell doesn't work. All in the name of progress I suppose. Unless the carnies are behind it. Then it's in the name of small hands and cabbage.
  5. Oops. Sorry about that awkward quoting. I'm at a park by state fair and I'm in the same boat as norsairius is downtown. From no data to crap 3g to strong 4g. Everyone who has sprint at the office by the grounds has been having trouble with texts, data and battery life since late last week. Very frustrating. I was able to map some 4g at the park just south of 76th main and around the office/back lot around that intersection. Very little 4g has penetrated the building.
  6. My connection has been even more schizophrenic at work across from state Fair park. 3g to 4g to no connection at all.
  7. I work right on South 76th and main in west allis. I've been losing 3g on and off all day and just had 4g for a bit. I think this bodes well for 4g at state Fair which is right across the street.
  8. Saw some purple close to my apartment close to 68th and state. Sure enough I'm getting some 4g at home! I might run to the gym a few miles away and map it, so long as no one takes a look at all the data points to extrapolate how slow I jog.
  9. Just got home from the Brewer game. 4g most of the time I was in the stadium but I couldn't get any data going, which is the same as things were with 3g. I did find it much easier to send texts and make calls, which I could rarely if ever do on 3g. I hope they realize they need more infrastructure in high traffic areas like Miller park, the lakefront, etc.
  10. I've heard that 4G works better when you chant "ahhhhhhh chipena ohhhh babadichibaba!"
  11. Just mapped some additional LTE on 41 by the stadium. Stopped getting signal before I hit target going south on 41.
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