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Posts posted by flyer8493

  1. Anybody in an LTE launch area having trouble reconnecting to 3g when leaving a 4g area? It only does it when my screen is off (phone in my pocket) and not using it. If the screen is on it will reconnect just fine. I'm in San Antonio.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

  2. That map does not reflect the true LTE footprint in San Antonio at this time. I do believe that is what it will be when NV is complete. There is Lte In San Antonio. I have picked it up in many areas of the city and it is blazing fast.


    I wondered if that was the case. I've only picked it up in one place early this morning while at work near San Pedro and Basse and Friday at the quarry by 281 and Jones Maltsburger.

  3. LTE isnt live for me. Still on 3G. I would turn the phone on and it would say 4G for a couple seconds and then go straight to 3G. Tried toggling CDMA/LTE...no dice. Tried toggling airplane mode...no dice. I live less than a mile from where I pulled 29 megs down. Maybe they are still rolling it out...anyone else still on 3G?


    No lte for me either in San Antonio. Coverage map shows my neighborhood covered but I'm not getting anything.


    Is your data mode set to LTE/CDMA? if so trying toggling that option, and or rebooting to see if that picks it up.


    Yes, I have also updated my profile and toggled airplane mode. I rebooted by my house earlier today and it did not work. I won't make a huge fuss about it yet as it has not officially launched until tomorrow. I'm downtown right now and its up. Ill be patient it might take through tonight or longer for them to turn on the lte all over the city.


    I have a couple of big issues with this article. They are so bad, that it throws everything they did into question. Here is Quote #1:




    Are they serious? Sprint is spending a billion dollars on 3G enhancements ahead of Network Vision. That's what network.sprint.com tracks. Also, Network Vision has billions of dollars in 3G enhancements, including DO Advanced. They should have called me for a quote. It's true they abandoned WiMax, but not 3G. This is journalistic malfeasance.


    Here is Quote #2:




    What? They criticize Sprint's slow 3G speeds with 1.4Mbps and 1.69Mbps download speeds? What? Those are great 3G speeds. And those are screaming 3G speeds compared to most urban/suburban locations on the Sprint network. If we all could get that, none of us would be complaining. Those are even good speeds on VZW 3G.


    It's obvious that if they post things like this, they put no value in trying to investigate the issues they are reporting about the EVO LTE. No credibility in my book.


    The way they "scientifically" tested the devices is so poor, that they should not have written an article about it. Did they verify if the EVO LTE was changing towers? That would be the most likely reason for changes in signal strength, not antenna issues.


    Although I wouldn't rule out issues with the new EVO, but there is no way I would conclude there is based on this piss poor article. Sorry to rant, but I have major heartburn with the piece.




    Yeah that is a piss poor article I agree.


    And correct me if I am wrong but the evo lte being a brand new phone, it is going to take time to properly provision it with the network. It may even take a radio update or two before Sprint nails it on the head.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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