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Everything posted by jcopin

  1. I agree. just don't wait weeks between turning each tower on...now turn the 141 kirkwood tower on
  2. oh man il just rock back and forth and mumble incoherent nothings to myself until then people passing by..he keeps saying something about 4G
  3. il run past there and map it if I get the chance. I wouldn't think that would be the same tower accepted a couple of days ago on Kirkwood. possibly a 2nd tower? would be a nice pace to get going
  4. the tower is definitely not the one off of 141.. the signal gets better the closer you go on Kirkwood towards Newark.
  5. although speeds have been erratic and going between 3 and 4 G which means im assuming they are working on it.
  6. I HAVE A 4G SIGNAL! .. and theres no way its from PA .. and im not telling....ok fine im at work by prices corner ..just noticed it on my phone and was like.. omg. il download sensorly and get it on the map
  7. wow ..I guess its official..we have our first LTE tower according to the acceptance report
  8. lol its about friggin time..now it needs to work its way south about 5 miles
  9. not 1 tower.....lol how many 4G phones will i go through before i get a signal?
  10. I haven't even seen a single tower on the acceptance list in a while. you'd figure Delaware being so small that they could knock it out 1-2-3... but not a single LTE tower? not 1? comon
  11. I took a drive around last night and got nothing near UD, elkton rd, and by planet fitness
  12. from what I saw there has been over a dozen accepted but all 3G throughout June.. not a single LTE? really sprint?
  13. Any day now sprint... Saw just accepted 11 new towers I. The last 10 or so days. All 3G...argh
  14. any idea when northern DE Newark area will be getting 4G? seems like this rollout is taking a very long time
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