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Everything posted by steveo314

  1. And it looks like we got got again. The dark purple blur over the golf course in northwest Chesterfield. Might have to get in touch with the good folks over at Sensorly.
  2. I don't think any of that is from Weldon. The purple gets darker as it goes east. More like its from the Ballwin site.
  3. Did you add rows from a different Google spreadsheet?
  4. Been studying the STL portion of the map all night watching for new blips that shouldn't be.....
  5. Too good to be true. It can't have the same catches as the airrave......none. Ah ok...
  6. Yea the STL area is going to be all purple before long and we won't really have as much LTE as the map says. This person or persons needs to be sent a cease and cut it out
  7. I wish that Long John Silvers was still there by that Popeye's
  8. Oh duh. Yes. Someone needs a chair thrown at them. I have a GNex but I assure you you will find no trace of Sensorly on my phone.
  9. Jungermann (or Yungermen) and Briarwick: Hwy 94 and Mozarkite:
  10. I didnt have anything this morning going through there. im going to pull off and check when i get back out there in about an hour and a half. It was that dark purple early this morning.
  11. This one: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4145-sprint-lte-coverage-maps-via-sensorly/ ?????????????????
  12. I was watching you do it. Threw your name on one of the sites.
  13. I was filling up at 711 when the rain started and almost made that drive but decided to get my @$$ back to the house.
  14. I almost drove from 79 and Mexico to Willott and Jungerman in that storm.....
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