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Everything posted by steveo314

  1. Its not like St Louis is it? Six Flags St Louis is like MySpace with Angry Birds. The abandoned amusement park with a water park.
  2. They're going to start thinking it was me or you. We're always sitting on here singing this Shaggy song.
  3. Still no LTE from natural bridge and Hanley. Picked up Ferguson though.
  4. Surprised it didn't mention St Chuck in that article
  5. And wasn't St Chuck against the adding more cell sites thing too??
  6. Wonder how hard it would be to actually view the permits.............
  7. That was ol man Phillips who lives out on that island hahaha
  8. What about jungs station or the one in northeast st Charles county (not west Alton)
  9. True. And hopefully within the next two months "real purple" will over take the gnex false purple
  10. I'm a very impatient person and Craigslist has let me down on phones
  11. And I'm really thinking a lot of the STL map is false mapping
  12. Im thinking about cashing in on that B1G1 Galaxy S4 next weekend......
  13. it wasn't me. I went through there tonight but I made sure it didn't map.
  14. See if that is really real 4G at 170 and the Rock Rd I'm done with this GNex.....
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