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Everything posted by steveo314

  1. Ill have to post that SS. You could make better sense of it than me, Digi
  2. 86 to the east and 424 to the north was what I got around MoBap. And then a little up 270 from 64/40 I got 74.
  3. My wife and me say St Johns for everything unless we can't make it past Barnes St Peters( ). And yes I am thankful for the WiFi or else waiting for the delivery of my 2 kids would have been hella boring.
  4. Oh ok. St John's needs to do that. You'll have 1X the whole time anywhere you go inside the building. And you won't catch me getting info for the inside site of MOBAP. I don't go on that side of 40/64.
  5. Has that dark purple been on the Mozarkite & 94 site long?
  6. Twas not me switching numbers. I haven't touched the HEX column.
  7. Ill go by there around 5 if no one else has by then. I came that way this morning, took 364/94 to 270 to 40/64 to Kingshighway, but didn't check my phone after i got on 270. I was more trying to see if i'd get anything off of Creve Couer which I didn't.
  8. Same here. I was thinking about going to ATT or Verizon but then I don't want to be paying $500 a month for data.
  9. Hopefully when all is said and done we don't have that issue. Streaming music is a big thing I do with my phone.
  10. I think we have someone who resides out around Boschertown.
  11. Wonder what site he had then. Ill take 364/94 to 270 in the am
  12. 432 isn't Earth City or Bucheit. Ill see if Jungermann is on in a few hours. Unless its Jungs Station.....
  13. What about our 3 red sticks..... Might as well say Cottleville 2 is one....
  14. And there is an arrow pointing at it to the southwest
  15. I think youll have to take pearce to edinger and see what you can see. Ive never been back there so....
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