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Everything posted by liltunanj

  1. Anyone on the boards besides me live in the sussex county area of northern NJ?
  2. saw a crane working on a on a sprint tower in hardest in New Jersey. maybe updating us to at least 3G fingers crossed for lte.
  3. how do you know when a reading is a test signal? where I live we just got great 3g coverage for two days. then it went away. could that be testing? I called sprint and said they have no idea and will be handled by the engineering dept. any help would be great. I am in 07416 area.
  4. I was talking to sprint on the sprint facebook page about sussex county, northern NJ. This is what I was told about the slow speed I have in the county, "Thanks for replying back. I do apologize once again you are experiencing these types of issues. We do have Network Vision planned for that area within the next coming weeks. Once this happens, you should notice a marked improvement in the quality and speed of your Sprint services. - George" Not sure if they are blowing smoke up my butt, but figured I would share.
  5. I read sprint will get more money freed up once the Nextel deal is finished, maybe that will help push things faster.
  6. DaveH is that for sussex county? And if it is for sussex county, any idea when they could be active? thanks in advance.
  7. I am in sussex county, any update for NW NJ? we get spotty 3g coverage up here. thanks for any help.
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