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Posts posted by htabbach

  1. Very strange activity today in Tucson as well. Erpdh dropping off to EVDO.....and slow EVDO, and I mean slow ...to no signal at all. There MUST be some stirring of the 4G pot here in Tucson.

    It is 2G in the whole east side today, can't even get emails, something is going on!

  2. I am getting real impatient! Last year I passed on the iPhone 5 and stayed with my 4S because there is no LTE. Apple will announce a new iPhone next month and I am getting it on an LTE network, hopefully Sprint will have at least one LTE tower in Tucson by then to keep me, otherwise it is Verizon baby!

  3. I am from and visit Kansas City very frequently, and I can tell you the network is fantastic. Once I get close to town, my ONE locks onto LTE and I pretty much never drop it except when I'm not in town, or deep in a building. Speeds were all over the place initially, but have settled between 10-15Mbps for the most part. 


    Also, once Sprint fires up 800 LTE, that will help enormously with coverage, putting them on par with Verizon where they have coverage. In-building coverage will get a big boost. 


    You won't be able to match Verizon's 40+Mbps speeds (which are getting harder and harder to find) until Clear's 2500MHz TD-LTE goes online (which it has in Denver, LA, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, Miami, Tampa and Seattle). 

    I really don't care if they are 40 Mbps, I think 10-15 is more than enough, I just want to know if the coverage is consistent, again, WiMax coverage in complete markets was a joke and I am worried LTE is the same.

  4. That's because, with the exception of a couple of markets (Kansas City for one), even after they've been announced work is still going on. No one market is complete yet, and coverage will still improve even after the announcement. 

    Thank you for the response, do you know anyone who lives in one of the two complete markets? Is the LTE as good as Verizon from signal strength and coverage?


    Things are only going to get worse until the NV upgrades are finally activated. I don't think any of us have a clue as to what is causing the hold up. It seems like LTE should have been online at least a couple of sites by now. If there isn't anything active by the end of August, I don't think anyone would blame you for jumping ship. It's just unfortunate that it's taking so long when the equipment is obviously in place. If you can make it through til then, I'm sure you'll find the new network to be a great one. It's just the waiting....  <_<

    But I heard than even in places where LTE is announced and deployed that it is not really that good, kind of like the WiMax situation, I remember having the Evo and travelled to Dallas after WiMax was deployed and it was really unusable at all, people saying Sprint LTE is as good as Sprint WiMax

  6. Yuma still Slow. Their capacity is maxed out. Sad to say but I just got off the phone with Sprint and they are waving my ETF so I can move to another carrier.  They could not provide any info on network status so I think I'm out.

    They waived the EFt on my 4 lines account as well but I still have not made a decision to go with another carrier yet but most likely I will, it is hard when you cannot even get work email on my iPhone on 3G anymore.

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  7. Network was all over the place like a mother today. Is this good forward looking news?


    Yeah, it was so bad yesterday and still today that I am roaming at my house! I called Sprint they told me it is NV and things are going to be bad until mid week, very frustrating!

  8. Very possible.

    I called Sprint and reported the issue, they said that the tower next to my house is being worked on and will be down until the first week of June, when I asked why they said they are preparing it for LTE by merging CDMA tower and some other tower, they asked me to update my PRL so I can pick up other towers, not sure what that means!

  9. I live on Houghton and Broadway and I usually have excellent service, voice and data. Usually I get anywhere between 1 and 2 mb down but today my service at home is terrible, dropped calls and data speed around 50K all day, are they working on my tower you think?

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