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Everything posted by d_rail34

  1. yessir! and now for another fantastic noob question!! do i just place all of the zipped files in the TWRP root folder? or do i make a "MC2" folder to put them in?
  2. Ahh!! OK...but what is titanium backup? And should be loaded on there as well? P.S. forget about previous post. lol
  3. Not seeing recovery file.exe link
  4. Just super user is listed. Actually if I do the vol./power/home button fuction it boots to twrp.
  5. Alright...got that to work, but when it started the root process, it showed 8 things that failed and continued until finished. Then it went back to the main menu with out giving the "YOU HACKED IT!" message. What the hell is going on?? Also, no titanium backup listed in the apps menu.
  6. OK...I have a driver install failure after running Odin. Says "adbd is already running as root/error: device not found:. Plus, I have a system window that popped up saying "Device driver was not successfully installed"/"MTP USB device Xfailed". Any ideas?
  7. Excellent. I'll give that a go this evening. Thanks.
  8. I'm wondering if I should root it just because before I go and exchange it. But! I've never rooted before. Any words of wisdom before I do?
  9. Umm, yeah. That's a pretty hefty drain. But see how yours flatlines when it's idle? Mine is steadily draining in sleep mode...even with disabling apps, GPS, etc. Another question. Do you have the 4.1.2 update? Or would that even matter since you're rooted?
  10. I have noticed a weaker 1x signal in comparison to my OG Evo, and we all know that the Note 2's radio is miles apart in that category. Plus...as much as I've investigated any issues involved with battery issues and 4.1.2 update issues, it has to be a defect of sorts. Whether it's with the battery, or the device itself. I'd feel more comfortable with exchanging it and knowing for sure with being able to see/compare the performance of the new device (btw..this one is only 2 days old) than continuing to struggle with trying to tweak this thing until I eventually smash it against the wall. LOL I honestly think that it's a defective device...just sayin.
  11. LOL...exactly! The first portion of the "drainage" listed was a very minute amount of usage last night after a full charge, and the rest was simply checking an email/text here and there...and you'll notice that at some point I disabled wifi during sleep mode, plus a brief break into roaming whilst out in the country. Also, it had dropped almost 30% in the 6 hours that I slept last night. It wasn't until I set it to CDMA only, and turned off wifi in sleep mode, etc. that it slowed the drainage down a bit. I think I'll feel better if I go and get it exchanged...so this all probably just moot at best.
  12. OK... So this is what I got over this last full charge with virtually no usage at all on the battery. Less than moderate would be an understatement. I've been at a funeral and gathering afterwards that's pretty much lasted the whole day if that confirms anything... I disabled wifi while in sleep mode..disabled any and all apps/live wallpapers, background data usage...and anything/everything that can be disabled. Does this confirm a reason for an exchange? I'm doubting very seriously that the 4.1.2 update has caused this much of an issue with battery life (been reading about issues with latest JB update).
  13. I'll try that. If it contunues to run down quickly I'll just take it back and have them exchange it.
  14. LOL...that's just the thing. I really haven't used it constantly. Hence the concern with how fast the battery has drained, because when I started researching the phone, I saw reviews where the guys were stating that they absolutely pounded it to death all day and still had almost 20% remaining. Once I noticed that it was running down at the rate that it is, I started shutting things off on it to see if that helped. As far as signal...most of it has been on wifi. I'm wondering if I just got a bad battery, or if the girl at Best Buy put in a used one (speculation of course), because it did have close to 50% charge on it when she was through setting it up.
  15. Well I just had to put it back on charge about an hour ago. It lasted a little over 18 hrs, but at least 6 of those were while I was sleeping...so around 12 hrs of usage? lol I'm sure there are still some things that I can do to tweak it more. I'll figure it out as I become more familiar with it. I also found one of these... http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-Battery-Charger-3100mAh-Included/dp/B009M5J9HY
  16. I don't do easy very well. Still trying to do some tweaking to get more battery life. I'm still on the first full charge, but it's draining faster than I'd hoped. I've turned off sync and gps, and I have the screen set to auto. Any other tips you might have would certainly be welcomed. In the meantime, I think I'll browse through this thread a bit. ...and yes, airline tix seem to be fluctuating like crazy right now. My wife's little brother was trying to get a flight from North Dakota a couple of days ago, and they quoted him $1600. We started looking around some more and found one for around $800. Still pretty crazy considering that I had just sent one of our employees to Indiana for around $500 a month ago.
  17. Finally on board with the Note II!! Excited and overwhelmed at the same time...hence losing sleep trying to figure this thing out right now. :wiggle:
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