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S4GRU Member
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  • Phones/Devices
    Galaxy S3 Sprint
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    4G Information

jami1's Achievements

Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. ok I went out side.. and now I get a higher speed... 3 MB.. down... just under a like .89 mps up.. and low latency of like 76.
  2. No, it was def LTE as my phone indicated LTE14 under status... I am going to see if I can get more info. Ping was very high.. over 100 and speed was very low.. so I take it signal is very weak. not even sure where it was coming from.. I had it for a while as I drove though and then lost it in north philly.
  3. Something wierd happened when I was sitting in my car.. I am located in NE philly close to NJ... about 4 miles from Tacony Bridge.. My phone picked up 4g. I did a speed test and it was very slow.... Less than a megabit. I am going to see if I can get the signal back. This must have just happened as I never got a 4g signal here before.
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