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S4GRU Member
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  • Phones/Devices
    samsung galaxy s3
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  • Location
    cape coral
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    4G Information

droidjosh's Achievements

Member Level: Morse Code

Member Level: Morse Code (2/12)



  1. Thanks. Hopefully i'll pick up a better signal that's usable at home. Right now i get -118 for LTE strength
  2. hopefully you will get a better signal than me. I'm connected at home always, only issue, -114dBm or higher so its unusable. :-/
  3. I connect to LTE all the time here in the cape with speeds worse than 3g. Work needs to get done already. Too slow :-\
  4. Its back now. It was data and voice. Was very strange. I'm near Santa Barbara and Trafalgar
  5. Any one in cape experiencing no service? I'm getting network not responding.
  6. Could be worse. I have it at home but they are trolling me with it. I connect but there's no speed lol. 0mb up and down.
  7. finally able to map it at my house. I'm connecting more often now but still unusable.
  8. Keep connecting on Santa Barbara near the McDonald's and walgreens. Super weak. Speed test shows 0mb down and up lol. Any idea which tower it might be coming from? Santa barb and veterans Walgreen's btw
  9. Off santa barbara few streets away from trafalagar. Se 17th ter
  10. Connected for a good minute at home. Couldnt map it or test speeds. If I connect again I will try. Thank signalcheck for alerting me lol
  11. I hear you. All these towers in the cape, all the active ones way out of my area. Got a tower less than 2 miles away and still no lte work on it
  12. Its taking so long for the tower near my house to get its 4g upgrade so many places in the cape are lit up already. not here though.
  13. All those spots in the cape, less than a mile away from me and still no lte at home. Hopefully it won't be long for you!
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