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Everything posted by moaltar

  1. I guess I just got bad luck working in this "No LTE blackhole" in Irvine. The company I work at is right in the middle of this "fair" 4g LTE signal area. My S3 bounces between 3g and LTE, but neither signal rarely works. I'm lucky to be able to load up the mobile version of yahoo.com https://www.dropbox.com/s/ki4qqe5uzqr9m0c/map.jpg
  2. I just wish it was reliable. I know they're probablly still tweaking things, but that LTE signal in Irvine is hardly usable.
  3. Just FYI Orange Country California (Irvine, Lake Forest area) has been having an LTE signal turning on and off for weeks now. Hope they get it up and running soon. Rancho Santa Margarita (where I live) has been having a steady LTE signal, just not over a wide area.
  4. I broke my S3 on thusday night, got a replacement today and noticed 4g is on in Rancho Santa Margarita! Nice surprise after being phoneless for a day! I live on the corner of Antonio and Cota de Caza. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0wrd1ykw4587zwe/Screenshot_2013-03-15-17-25-31.png
  5. Most likely. I was at work when I found the 4G LTE signal. I work at the corner Jamboree and Dupont, which is pretty close to UCI.
  6. Here is a pic of the signal I got on 2/26/2013. Not sure why the server says its in Durango, CO.
  7. I got a 4G LTE signal randomly in Irvine near Jamboree the other day. It was only here for like 1min, then it vanished :-( I tried to get evidence of the signal while it lasted.
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