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Posts posted by linhpham2

  1. What's with the insane obsession with kicking tv stations off the spectrum they use all the time? For crying out loud, make the government move all it's excess redundant communications systems and auction that spectrum off instead.



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

    Not an obsession - just progress/changing with the times. There's growing demand for mobile data and more people are cutting cords/watching less tv.


    IIRC, the US govt is currently studying how to consolidate their spectrum holdings and share the private sector. But that's like 10+ years off before anything useful.

  2. He has a business that he runs, so I think that's why its allowed. He could just be toeing the line somehow, I don't know specifics. Just what was told me lol.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Here's some details from Google Fiber's acceptable uses policy: "personal non-commercial use of servers that complies with this AUP is acceptable, including using virtual private networks (VPN) to access services in your home and using hardware or applications that include server capabilities for uses like multi-player gaming, video-conferencing, and home security"



  3. There's a Starbucks down here in Miami that has Google Fiber. It's fast as hell. I got 50 Mbps when it was full of people.




    Google Fiber in Miami? That's news to me. I knew that Starbucks was swapping out AT&T for Google for their free wi-fi.

  4. He has a business that he runs, so I think that's why its allowed. He could just be toeing the line somehow, I don't know specifics. Just what was told me lol.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    He must have a home-based business since Google doesn't have any small business packages yet.

  5. Portland is one of the 9 cities that Google is considering expanding Fiber to. Hopefully, the regional cities in negotiations with Google don't screw things up. I badly want to dump Comcast for a Fiber connection.


    Anyone in Provo, UT or KCMO/KCK have Google Fiber? How good is it?

  6. If Son wanted to compete in the fixed wireless broadband market, why not buy Dish's spectrum holdings (not including the GPS-interfering portions). Grab as much spectrum as possible and sell off any divestures required to get the deal approved. IIRC, Dish was interested in fixed wireless broadband and it doesn't look like they'll be able to build out their spectrum anytime soon.

  7. I think it speaks volumes to the service we currently have when people's default suggestion is to turn off the service we are paying for.

    It's a more obvious sign that battery technology hasn't kept up with usage demands. Until then, you don't need to leave 3g/4g constantly on - otherwise it'll drain your battery.

  8. According to their website, you send in your phone. They'll try to fix it or pay out the full retail price of the phone. In my policy with them, I don't see a deductible mentioned in the contract.

    My bad...found it. My deductible is $100. Pretty good

    • Like 1
  9. Oh So when the phone fucks up or you break it.. you have to pay out of pocket up to 300$ to have it fixed?.. I'll stick to paying 10$ a month lol

    According to their website, you send in your phone. They'll try to fix it or pay out the full retail price of the phone. In my policy with them, I don't see a deductible mentioned in the contract.

  10. Sprint's insurance program is a rip off @ $11/month. IIrc, it's a fix or exchange only program


    How does squaretrade's policies work in practice? As i understand it, they'll try to fix your phone or they'll pay out the cash value of your phone. Are they like other insurers who'll sell you a policy and then deny your claims as long as possible?


    If they pay out, you can use the money to buy the latest hot phone.



  11. Since when did the cell phone provider you go with become such a social stigma?

    It's not so much stigma = negative social status. But more stigma = negative feedback and comments mentioned.


    In other forums, and tech sites like cnet or engadget, whenever Sprint is mentioned (in the news or otherwise) it seems like there's alot of horror stories, whining and complaining dredged up and that sort of stuff.


    Re: other forums: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4343-sprintcom-forums-yikes/


    I'll admit to some complaining in my earlier posts. Though I prefer to see it as being "objective and rational."


    Sprint's not too bad since I'm only paying 1/3 to 1/2 of a normal full bill. Basically, "Buyer beware. You get what pay/paid for."


    // end off-topic stuff. Back to 800mhz conversation

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