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Posts posted by glenavo34

  1. Yes. Those speeds will cause a lot more stuttering. The worst thing about that sort of speeds is it's often just an overloaded tower and your pings skyrocket. If you're waiting nearly a second for a server response you can just imagine what that does to data transfer, god forbid you drop packets.


    My experiences with tower upgrades are mixed. It seems like every time one gets fixed up, everyone realizes at once and forgets they have WiFi and not long after the speeds drop again. I live in a college town so it's great when the students leave but right now when it's in full swing, anywhere near campus is abysmal. This is rather different from Bloomington IN, home of Indiana University where my speeds on campus rarely go under 1.8Mbps or so on 3G and 5 or more on WiMax. I have never tested LTE there.


    I think Sprint's on the up and up but I just complain about the contracts. Two years is fine for a flip phone but smartphones become worthless much sooner. Softbank can't get here soon enough. I was on Dish Network's team with the Viacom/Comcast thing but if they keep blocking this deal and strengthen American telecom's duopoly of net neutrality hating beasts I will not support them.


    Agreed...when smart phones are being updated yearly and strides in development are being made at such a rapid pace, I don't think 2 year contracts are going to last much longer. Case in point, look at the HTC One and Galaxy S4 compared to the EVO LTE and S3...the upgrades to those phones aren't just minor anymore and they're being released so quickly.


    I actually think T-mobile might surpass everyone. Ive seen friends get LTE like speeds on Tmobile so assuming they can roll out LTE effectively, rather than drop to 3G you would bounce between HSPA and LTE.

  2. no worries, i just assumed .5Mbps because that was what I got the last time I did a speed test on my commute.


    ive also had speeds like .16Mbps, .21Mbps, and even .02Mbps.


    it's quite frustrating because i'm not trying to stream netflix or youtube. i just want to listen to music and not have to wait for it to load the next song.


    hopefully, things will pick up in the next month or so.

  3. I'll dust off the old s4gru account and get in on this.


    I'll call BS on your comment here. One part, at least is wrong. You definitely can stream Pandora on .5Mbps (credit where due for proper capitalization) I do it all the time. Also, I've streamed Pandora on the road driving through sections of the country filled with hills where even Sprint says I wont have service. Popping between 3G, 2G, and roaming, I had to wait up to a minute sometimes for a song to start but it totally did.


    But this isn't just for you Glenavo34, I'm not trying to be too mean.


    Bloomington IN didn't have 3G in 2009 from Sprint and I streamed Pandora on my Samsung Instinct. Granted, it was horrible quality but worked for when I forgot my Zune.


    A bit more insight with a colorful embedded graphic, I have this (http://alpine-usa.co.../view/cde-135bt) receiver in my car and streamed Pandora over bluetooth the whole way.


    A lot of fields and woods on that trip and no problems.


    I by no means worship Sprint, I really hate some of their corporate moves but I'm with them and don't think they deserve half the criticism they get. At least criticize for real problems they have.


    You can call BS, but why would I lie about this? It's not like complaining about it on this forum will get Sprint to give me a credit to my account or lower my bill. I'm not trying to bash them since I'm clearly still with Sprint...I'm merely telling you what happens to me multiple times each morning during my commute.


    I stream Songza or Pandora and it takes way too much time to buffer the song. When it switches to a new song, I either stay, "buffering" anywhere from seconds to minutes.


    It seems like half the commute I can listen to music, the other half is spent in, "buffering."

  4. I'm as annoyed with Sprint as anyone, but I have three lines for a total of $166 per month, unlimited. Equivalent service from Verizon and AT&T would be $299 and $278. Sprint is third-rate service-wise around here but it works and I'm willing to deal with a little smut for $150 savings.


    And as always, the whiners out-voice everyone else by a mile. Facebook isn't really a good tool to judge with.


    Equivalent service would be having data speeds that aren't .5Mbps.


    I can't even stream Pandora when I'm driving.

  5. I remember reading somewhere that LTE would be partially available in/around Los Angeles and Riverside by Feb, March.


    So far I haven't seen anything...the one time I did get a LTE signal, it only lasted for a brief moment and speedtests reviewed 2mbps which is slower than T-mobile which isnt LTE.


    This isn't a post to complain or vent, as I'm merely wondering how behind they are.


    It almost reminds me of when I waited for wimax which never came.


    Is Sprint planning on rushing through anytime soon or are they merely working at a glacial pace?

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