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Everything posted by achan

  1. RT @benjaminwittes: From a friend at the FBI. https://t.co/cTvDoTXCIR

  2. RT @sam_ponder: Please share, spread the word & pray. So many women in our industry can relate to being alone and vulnerable after working…

  3. RT @businessinsider: Police officers in Dubai tested out a new mode of transportation — flying motorcycles https://t.co/5uKaFGfgN6

  4. RT @drewmagary: As a curveball, I think the Times should send a senile person to interview Donald Trump

  5. RT @BBCr4today: 'Boxers or briefs?' Download the full interview with @BarackObama here: https://t.co/1Vvy6h4y7O #r4today https://t.co/GpI…

  6. Thread https://t.co/6cwlJziJYe

  7. RT @laurenduca: Poll: No one cares about this poll https://t.co/XwPWNp1jsc

  8. RT @TheRickWilson: Keep tweeting, Rapey. I know your annual performance review with the GRU is coming up. cc: @svdate https://t.co/KwVNQOgn…

  9. @TheRickWilson how many votes will go to nick saban tonight ? i am half kidding

  10. RT @SovietSergey: Maybe retweet this, the #MAGA crowd has no answer. DOW during the first 321 days under President Obama vs. DOW during t…

  11. RT @MEPFuller: Important story from @rachaelmbade. A staffer accused a Congressman of sexual harassment. She was warned she'd be blackball…

  12. btw Don't forget.. Debt Ceiling and Govt shutdown is next.. #fb

  13. RT @laurenduca: Sexual misconduct doesn't have a political ideology, you misogynistic troglodytes. Keep outing alleged abusers. I don't giv…

  14. RT @aahren_: LMFAOOOOO https://t.co/O2rKWaLU0A

  15. @realDonaldTrump Go fuck yourself

  16. RT @emayfarris: Al Franken should resign. Roy Moore should drop out. Bill Clinton should stop talking. And we should elect some more damn w…

  17. RT @JasonKirkSBN: Stay in school https://t.co/DFbpZzIuRs

  18. @EliGundry yep..i am hoping it has to do with herbalife

  19. RT @pussyrrriot: dot dot dot.. also, I don't have to learn English anymore, I already know more words than your president does

  20. RT @SenJohnMcCain: We must see Putin's attack on our election for what it is: a campaign to weaken & destabilize democracies everywhere htt…

  21. RT @EricHolthaus: Puerto Rico is in day 38 of the worst humanitarian emergency in modern American history >70% are w/o power ppl are drinki…

  22. RT @4everNeverTrump: RT if you're a member of the #Resistance & don't give a f**k if Mueller's investigation also uncovers Democratic wrond…

  23. I am not going to see that gordon hayword injury . nope ,#fb

  24. RT @jaketapper: Rep. Rohrabacher Brings Holocaust Denier To Meeting – The Forward https://t.co/GVCOOqRc6n

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