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Status Updates posted by VEllisWade

  1. Of course you don't see it as a self-reinforcing mass delusion - you're already trapped in it.

  2. Heat! Woooooo!

  3. Yes, I do not want to be here today.

  4. When the hell did JaVale McGee become an all-star center?

  5. Your team might suck if the only consolation you can muster is, "Well, at least they didn't get swept."

  6. Not sure what John Travolta is thinking, but when one man touches another in a sexual way, it's usually pretty gay.

  7. Why tell your kids not to touch? We encourage touching in a store with all touchscreen phones.

  8. NBA MVP right now: 1. @CP3 2. @KingJames 3. @KDtrey5

  9. Ladies, men like the old fashioned Coca-Cola bottle-shaped body, not a Coke can.

  10. Attention People of Earth: Videos look far better when you record in landscape. How many TVs do you see pointed vertically?

  11. I hate CreateSpace. That is all.

  12. Box Office: 'Avengers' has top U.S. debut ever with $200.3 million http://t.co/eJlvqmvB via @lanow

  13. Evening twilight is almost upon us. Heh, twilight. http://t.co/8TtdXi9Q


    #indie #authors unite! The ULTRA Projecr now available! http://t.co/64h5cOUW


  15. Way too nice outside for people to be in here. At least the phone problems are outside too.

  16. Watching @WWE SmackDown! on DVR - @TheDamienSandow just became my favorite character on TV.

  17. Now Available! Check it out! http://t.co/XZlW2ygR

  18. I'm all about that LA Kings bandwagon. #adoptAhockeyTeam

  19. Ass kicking, round 3 in t-minus 2 hours. #LETSGOHEAT

  20. Check out my blog! Subscribe and keep up with all the novel's updates! http://t.co/H8SYr8Lr @theULTRAproject

  21. Downtown Seattle is crazy right now. Avoid at all costs! #occupy #ows #blackblock #mayday

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