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Status Updates posted by VEllisWade

  1. US Women's Soccer... wooooooo!!!

  2. Please give me +K about Books on @klout. Thanks! http://t.co/G5OhpAqz

  3. Really, young fella? Did you not think it through when you tattooed F-U-C-K Y-O-U on your knuckles?

  4. Trying to decide between doing Book IV of the ULTRA Project next or my nonfiction memoirs about retail sales... hmmmm

  5. Weekend! Woooooo! What? I'm working? Oh...

  6. Dear McDonald's workers: How hard is it to get my sandwich right? A sausage mcmuffin does not have ham.

  7. Did The ULTRA Project just become available on Apple iBooks? I think so!

  8. I just give up on avoiding East Coast Olympic spoilers.

  9. The more websites I visit, the more I realize they post articles just for the hits, regardless of the facts.

  10. The Chick-Fil-A nonsense is a prime example of why corporations shouldn't be considered to be "people".

  11. Ugh. Suddenly that week off didn't feel long enough.

  12. If you eat two bananas and then drink a litre of sprite, you will barf.

  13. Alex Morgan - mmm, yes. She is also a good soccer player. #LONDON2012

  14. I shake my head in shame at some who would rather post opinion of a current administration's mistakes instead of posting solutions that work

  15. Just something funny about hearing the weightlifting commentators say, "She's having a really hard time jerking it, there!"

  16. Muppet Vision 3D is the greatest nap at Disney.

  17. I earned the 'Rolling in +K' achievement on @klout, check it out! http://t.co/5dPD854L

  18. They seriously give medals for riding a horse around in a pen and making in prance? Why?

  19. Apple's new Mac ads are embarrassing | The Verge http://t.co/N2zKFXDx via @verge

  20. It's almost like people want to be fooled. They want to pretend there is no man behind the curtain just to feel something.

  21. Since Table Tennis is an Olympic Sport, Beer Pong should also be.

  22. American Football will end up being a Winter Olympic sport. #FootballDreamTeam

  23. Pretty sure I have been inside of the new City Target store everyday since it opened on Wednesday.

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