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    Nexus 6
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    4G Information

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Member Level: 1xRTT

Member Level: 1xRTT (6/12)



  1. Going to try the ol box of rice trick? If you want bring it up to me and i can open it up to see if we can get it back up and working.
  2. It was not forced, but that is because im running baseband .15 on my N5. So normal phones would not connect unless forced.
  3. This is FeeFee @70, if this tower can get LTE there is hope for all. It's basically just a small telephone poll.
  4. Awesome. I was trying to test that out the other day but could not tell a difference from a regular call. What two phones where you guys using?
  5. I hope it stayed connected , the tower is right behind the bowling alley.
  6. I also saw people working on Harvester/McClay in St. Charles site the last few mornings hanging panels. Im guess that may be Clear work but not 100% sure. Someone may have posted in the part of the forum im too poor to be in.
  7. Maybe we could all pitch in a few bucks to pay Killswitche's ETF so we don't have to hear him complain all of the time.
  8. Pretty sure Sprint has this device turned off exclusively because of the issue it was having while on 800 with SMS.
  9. Oh... I love FDT. Haven't tried to change any Framily IDs yet though with it. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. I know in the indirect stores we don't even have the ability to do it. They have pretty much blocked it from us all together. If we have an issue or made a mistake we have to call in to have them fix it. I think they should have allowed this from the very beginning. Or just made it a flat rate and made it easy for all.
  11. I know I love mine and I have pretty much had every phone possible.
  12. I agree. Do we have any idea at what point our phones will drop 1900 and connect to 800 in terms of signal strength? I wonder because im sure when you are at -100dBm with 1900, 800 would seem like it would be faster.
  13. Looks like we are finally official: http://newsroom.sprint.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=11245
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