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Status Updates posted by jimmy_buck

  1. @AndyCarlsonShow I think he should rest him against the Bears and the playoffs and next season and the season after that and the......

  2. @yolasvegas @ArifHasanNFL What about Brees, Goff, and Cam?

  3. @Julia_Sevin I legit have wondered if it's because Trump is in it and maybe the Raising Cane's guys are big fans. B… https://t.co/l5Ypra3tlG

  4. @MatthewColler I don't see how anyone could say with a straight face that they trust Case when the defense has an o… https://t.co/CGsNeh35qw

  5. @ForecasterEnten It's doubling down on the politics of liberal tears.

  6. @EWErickson Voters always come home when the chips are down. Same thing happened in '16. Never Trumpers folded.

  7. @ianhoch @KevinAllman @WWLAMFM The comments on their Facebook posts are some of the worst I've seen on the internet… https://t.co/Mvye03Sg7s

  8. @brittrobson I think Thibs will, and should, get one more season to add a few pieces. If it's still mediocre, they… https://t.co/mNBi07v82P

  9. @sarahkliff Double standard. Right-wing media wouldn't have let them do it. Blue Dogs would've been scared off.

  10. @backlon Because it looks like they did a lot of things right. If the next one has a good camera and water resistan… https://t.co/jXeZP0yB77

  11. @RealMarkHallman @MatthewColler Bradford isn't coming back to the Vikings. But the Teddy vs Case situation is going… https://t.co/ynw9aFgNrz

  12. @DerekJamesNBA @tannrj @PhilMackey Two years.

  13. @skooks I got the Straight of Compton mailer and I don't live at all in a white area. https://t.co/TqEF9eg14y

  14. @Bokaj23 @PhilMackey I didn't say he was.

  15. The new sculpture at Jeff Davis and the Lafitte Greenway is up and running. The subtle blue… https://t.co/qCWImq0bUo

  16. @steventurous @MannyHill84 I couldn't imagine what it must do to a person to be treated like a rock star from like age 15.

  17. @backlon @mslopatto https://t.co/i1lib7WcmM

  18. @PhilMackey I came very close to buying League Pass this year. Really glad I didn't.

  19. @neeratanden The sad thing is that he would have had a good shot at winning.

  20. Win the Ultimate Google Pixel Giveaway from @androidcentral and @_MintSim! https://t.co/4UKu6G41gC

  21. @OnLeaks @zteusa My god, that's dumb looking.

  22. @PhilipRucker Did Barron sneak into the switchboard room again? That little scamp!

  23. @PhilMackey I would've told you you were crazy four hours ago. But I totally see it now.

  24. @hallstephenj The Bluetooth standard sucks. They almost have to be proprietary to work well. What do ppl expect? Go… https://t.co/T7L81A3btO

  25. @hallstephenj The Bluetooth standard sucks. They almost have to be proprietary to work well. What do ppl expect? Go… https://t.co/T7L81A3btO

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