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Status Updates posted by Da_Goo

  1. 3. You will rarely, if ever, regret it. Even the bad ones.

  2. Still stay up late. Only difference is that I drink diet poopsi now, instead of whiskey.

  3. Long day is long but had a really great time. @ General Sherman https://t.co/RE1QrRlZOf

  4. I mean, somedays you just gotta lie down on the couch and eat some cheese.

  5. Shitty day is shitty

  6. Also... #unnecessarilylonghashtagsfornogoodfuckingreason #andthen #andthen #andthen #greasychicken

  7. Pass the god damn butter. You either get it out you don't. https://t.co/UdVbFvg28f

  8. Motherfuckin robots and rocket ships

  9. Nothing like that 4pm cup of coffee. Not as risky as the 7pm one.

  10. Dat tenuous group on reality tho...

  11. Reminder that it's never as bad as I've made it in head. Now time for some Ritz crackers with peanut butter.

  12. Haven't showered since Friday. I'm officially 1 year sober today. These are just facts. Check out my run on Strava:… https://t.co/Ol06VNLC9D

  13. Cheers to no off switch.

  14. Recent Twin Shenanigans @ Visalia, California https://t.co/7FdaH5LTCq

  15. I quit drinking in 2017, which made me feel painfully boring. So to make up for it I became a helicopter dad and a… https://t.co/2QfRA6JLDx

  16. Fun little hike today. Thanks for a good time rozerod @ Wind Wolves… https://t.co/mEsYhyy5E4

  17. Jon #futurebadass https://t.co/SLB3AYfzPz

  18. Life is sooooo much more fun after you fully embrace that you really don't know what the fuck you're doing.

  19. Also, don't forget about that thing. You know, the thing? The thing with the thing. Ya, that thing.

  20. It's #MyTwitterAnniversary! I have been on Twitter for 10 years (since 18 Nov 2007). And you? https://t.co/KwPWMWmiPl

  21. Minimize and move the needle forward.

  22. I miss running enough that I'm entertaining the possiblity that 4am does exist.

  23. Twins are nearing 2 years old and I'm hitting 9 months sober. Really nice to know which way is up. #feelsgoodman

  24. The ability to abstract a concept of happiness, is happiness.

  25. @MikeeWX Sobriety gives me insane clarity. Haven't ran much lately but starting back up in the spring.

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