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S4GRU Member
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  • Phones/Devices
    Galaxy S III
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  • Location
    Maple Grove, MN
  • Here for...
    4G Information

chrisabaker's Achievements

Member Level: Morse Code

Member Level: Morse Code (2/12)



  1. Is the Network Vision/LTE Deployment Running List up to date for MN? I see it has us at a Current Production Rate Completion of Feb 2014 but it says that was posted back in May. Perhaps that is the original post date? Like a lot of people I've been experiencing the dropped calls when transferring between new and old towers here in Maple Grove. I really want to hold because this is going to be a great product when it's done, but just want to see if they're still thinking significant completion by February. Thanks!
  2. Yeah the tower just north of CR 30 just west of CR 116. Pretty sure that's the one since my speed tests and signal spiked right at that intersection and it's the tallest thing around... Anyone know if they have to pull permits or something to do this work? If they do, knowing the City of Maple Grove and how much of a PITA they can be... I'm not surprised we don't have any tower work going on in our city...
  3. VERY interesting... just read it... makes sense. There is also a good chunk up to 89th and Dunkirk area... could be bleed over from Bass/101 tower or 30/116 tower...?
  4. This could be a dumb question... is there ANY way that a phone can show 4G near the signal bars, but not ACTUALLY be in LTE coverage... I swear it seems like my phone plays tricks on me and flashes 4G in Maple Grove in areas that don't have coverage... Or am I nuts... By the way, I mapped the new little blip in Sensorly at Weaver Lake Rd and I-94 today during one of these "moments."
  5. Yeah I know that hot spot around 101/Bass has a tower at the Corcoran Lion's Park... the tower that's there is pretty visible... might have to do some investigating on this northwest tower my mama g's... or become a sponsor...
  6. I did some mapping with Sensorly the other day... got a little blip on 101 in NW Maple Grove several miles North of the hotspot at 101 and Bass... not sure where the heck this tower is, I didn't run East or West to find out... Really hoping NE Maple Grove gets something started soon, ready to get this Galaxy S3 rolling!
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