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Posts posted by COZisBack


    YES!! YES!! YES!! I was just coming to the forum to report that the network in my neighborhood (Lancaster Ave and E Broad St) has suddenly gone down the toilet, and now I see we are seeing actual, real, live LTE! Is it a coincidence that this happened so close to "Half Christmas"?

    No way! That is my neighborhood! I'll be home soon and will run a speedtest. Can't map on Sensorly as have an IPhone.



    Wait, are you saying LTE is on at Lancaster and East Broad or are you just excited about what happened up at Northland?

    I was confused earlier too, but he said he was complaining about Lancaster & Broad but excited to see LTE in Columbus.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  2. I didn't have a chance to force 800mhz as I don't believe I have the correct PRL to force it.




    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta





    Posting the gps coordinates of that app is really pointless honestly. It does not tell you about what site the LTE is coming from. Only way to do that is with LTE engineering screens and track which sites are what in a spreadsheet like some markets are doing.




    Just have sensorly running with map trip started. Much easier to see on a map then see some numbers.

    Here's Sensorly after I just left the area. Keep mapping folks maybe we'll find additional sites.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta




    Uhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm should I be trusting Sensorly here?




    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta




    Speedtests are really irrelevant except for troubleshooting a site. Do some real world stuff, YouTube, etc and see if the data is fine.



    As stated earlier by another, YouTube is darn near flawless. Can't wait for expansion.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  4. I'm right at the tower, drove by and nothing... Switched airplane mode on and off and no lte. Must be turned off right now.....


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4 Beta



    I was there a few minutes ago. Literally right underneath when I pulled my information. You may want to check to make sure you have LTE enabled. I'm getting LTE at this second. (Went to K&G).


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  5. YES!! YES!! YES!!  I was just coming to the forum to report that the network in my neighborhood (Lancaster Ave and E Broad St) has suddenly gone down the toilet, and now I see we are seeing actual, real, live LTE!  Is it a coincidence that this happened so close to "Half Christmas"?  


    Are you saying you're seeing LTE at Lancaster Ave & E. Broad?

  6. iPhone users can post screen shots of a GPS capable map application of their location with the LTE signal for proof.  Android users can lay down some purple.  Proof is in the purple.  Put or shut up is one of my motto's in life.  Otherwise we're just doing the State Farm commercial and I'm a french model.  ;)


    BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Love it! Anyone planning on trying to do some mapping today/tonight?

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    Sucks when you have a decent signal and data is completely unusable.



    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



    Curious what you get on other test servers. I've never had anything but high ping and low speed to their Columbus test server, on WiMax or on cable. Have you done the proxy server hack? Could be that too. If you think that every request is routing through a slow as molasses proxy server then it makes sense. I'm envious of your download speed because more often than not my DL speeds are 300-500 kb.


    I'm still wondering why Sprint hasn't enabled a VPN connection from the handset to their NOC via WiFi like T-Mobile does. It's so much more enjoyable to use the handset when you don't have to wave the sucker around to send a text or play the silver man when you're talking and find a good spot, don't move!

    No other changes than what Digi made to his ROM. Honestly it was extremely rare that I pulled that much on the download there. I'll check again later this afternoon.


    Sidenote: I have no clue where that tower is on the Hilton property. Can't even find it on Google or Bing bird's eye.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  8. Just found out a little information. From what I found VZW announced LTE for their first LTE sites at CTIA, March 2010. Launched around November 2010. Ohio was a launch state for them, But other than 1 Indiana city, none of the rest of the Midwest was covered. Kansas City was announced as a launch city for late 2011.


    So with Sprint starting in Kansas and Missouri I see (keyword: I) see them busting ass going outward.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


  9. Speaking my own opinion only. I don't see a delay or it taking too long. It's a situation of us knowing "too much" of what's going on in the markets. Some like to compare the Sprint LTE buildout to other carriers, but we have no clue how long prior to announcement those carriers started work.


    Also, as Previously stated, this is a COMPLETE network rebuild, not just replacing cards and panels. I still believe you can hold Sprint to the 2013 timeline. At least for Columbus. It's June 23rd, not December 31st, 11:59PM.


    Folks, no disrespect to you, but you chose the red pill of S4GRU.com. You should have took the blue one of ignorance.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


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    I'm out in the San Francisco area for the weekend, and I'm getting 1 meg down and 2 megs up on LTE. Are those the kinds of speeds we're expecting after NV is complete? I used to get equivalent speeds on 3G IN some areas before they started tearing up the network.




    If they completed the tower and antennas with no back haul that's exactly what you would experience. Not the norm though. Speeds should be in the five to ten meg range. What's your ping time of you don't mind me asking...?


    Ping was around 60 ms. It was really disheartening to see such slow speeds. On the plus side, before I left, the speeds in Grove City were back to near normal. I had commented in this thread a couple of weeks ago that Grove City speeds were practically nil, but before I left for San Francisco, they were up around 0.5 - 1 Mbps up and down.




    Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk HD

    I'm pretty sure SF just started LTE a short while ago, so they're not up and running strong yet. I'd guess those are normal until a city launches.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta





    Or they might be waiting for Iden to be shut down on the 30th before launching a bunch of sites.


    Maybe, but I won't be holding my breath this time. Lol

    I'm hoping this is the case, but it may be where they're just firing up 800SMR as I don't see iDEN holding up LTE on 1900. For all we know, NV 1900 may be up and running but due to no backhaul, we're not seeing any difference in data reliability/speed. My voice service has never really been a problem in my area, but data has been completely unusable at times.

    My argument on reliable is similar to when you have a strong WiFi signal at home from your router, but your modem isn't sending the connection like it should.
  12. You haven't tried Netmonitor? It shows you quickly on a map which cell your on, carrier, bssid, your location on a map, the cell's location on a map and if you leave it running, adjacent cells you've connected to, signal level logging all exportable to kml for Google Earth, test mode access and free. I'll see if I can post a screenshot. I do have signal check lite so I'll know quickly when I connect on 800 when they turn it on.


    Here's the catch, of the sprint towers that I've driven past only 2 I've seen NV on, one NV tower is not a sprint tower. I've read that 800 wont be on every site because it naturally covers a larger geographic area. So now every tower I drive by is looked at.


    Netmonitor looks like an okay app. SCpro offers most of those features, if not all. I personally like SCpro because it seems like it was designed for Sprint. And I spend $1.99 every few hours on food, so why not support an App Dev that supports S4GRU. Just my opinion.

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  13. Where's the in progress thread? I couldn't find it. Unless its in the donate side. I live near the pickerington meijers and there's nothing going on up 33 to 104. Same for along 270 between 71 & 33, at least none of the visible towers from the freeway. I've only seen 3 NV sites. 2 in the pictures plus one neat 315 & Goodale. The towers going north of that one have nothing new. Looks like they're ay least building out, probably in other areas off the highway. I drove around Grandview and there's no new work there either.


    You should dl signal check pro so you can pinpoint exactly where sprint towers are.




    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4 Beta





    Best money I've spent on Android. It's the best because it's the only money I've ever spent on an app.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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