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Posts posted by JaxGator75

  1. So I got an email from BB today that my Note 4 was in. I show up with my $50 preorder GC and Wimax Evo. They accepted it with no issues and applied the $200 toward the phone. Everything is going well until activation time. The Sprint provisioning server is down so they can't complete the activation. BB calls their Sprint tech contact who states since the phone can make calls (but not receive any) and connect to the internet, there is nothing else that can be done. Once the server is back up, the activation will be completed from the phone. So here I am with half a phone.

  2. I go case free because I have to. I buy the fat extended batteries that allow all day heavy usage so none of the regular cases will work. Not allowing anyone to touch my phones has kept them in mint condition.

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  3. Preordered at BB yesterday. They said they would accept the Evo 4G Wimax as long as the phone works and the screen isn't cracked. It's in mint condition so I should be good to go on the $200 offer.

  4. I was told by the Samsung rep @ Best Buy that if it is on the BB trade in site even for no value that it counts. I bought a prepaid phone as a back up just in case. A guy I work with offered me an old Blackberry but I didn't want to be in a pinch on pick up day. The Samsung rep pointed out the prepaid phone being on sale for $20 so I will just return it if they take the Blackberry. Their site does leave them a lot of room to decline just about anything if they wanted to.


    It shows up for $8 so hopefully they take it. Thanks.

  5. Looking to upgrade to the Note 4 coming from a Galaxy S3. I want to keep the S3 and try to trade in my old HTC Evo 4G Wimax. Sprint won't take it because the buyback has to be $10 and the Evo is only $5 on the Sprint site. Does Best Buy have a similar requirement or will they take the Wimax? If not I'll just try with one of the Walmart cheapo phones mentioned above.

  6. While driving on Southside earlier this week I saw a few wide-load trucks delivering what looked like sections of a tower in front of the tall Bank of America building just north of the Avenues Mall. There was also a truck marked as "Datacom" or "Betacom."  Hard to read from the angle I saw it at. There is supposed to be a NV site there so maybe they are adding a mini tower on the roof? Looking at the roof of the building on Google Maps I see there is already equipment in use up there.

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