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Status Updates posted by sbolen

  1. YESSSSSSS “@vulture: That official #BobsBurgers cookbook is looking pretty tasty: http://t.co/5eU9EKWWTg http://t.co/W3uJmCbA65”

  2. Yisssss @ Southwest Market Cuisine Inc https://t.co/hfP7rsNUnf

  3. You can buy a cactus at the airport to carry with you on the plane. #great #idea @ Phoenix Sky… https://t.co/U6sIIyHNSO

  4. You could pretty much rename "Stock Photography" to "White People Doing Things" and still be five nines accurate.

  5. You couldn't ask for a better day at the Zoo. @ Saint Louis Zoo https://t.co/tQsIQxis8b

  6. You crashed my live stream, you filthy casuals! #AppleEvent

  7. You guys think Darryl Glenn loves America? I’m having trouble figuring him out. #GOPinCLE

  8. YOU GUYS, THIS IS SERIOUS. The line that runs our sweet Internet & TV to the house is buoyed down by a magnolia tree with 8” of snow. Bad.

  9. You guys! Christmas is coming early to St. Louis! https://t.co/COnGmDmtrV


  11. YOU GUYS! I just went outside without a jacket. It was GLORIOUS.

  12. You know what? I'll eat all the donuts today. All of them. Bring them to me.

  13. You like Patrick Carney's BoJack Horseman theme song? Here's a ringtone for your iPhone: http://t.co/8jrwluWBLW

  14. You turn your back for one second... @ Mid County Ymca https://t.co/d3GG6cePF4

  15. You usually get way better quality portrait photos on Flickr than a Google images search. At least, I do.

  16. You'd think today was the last day to buy gas on planet Earth. These lines are stupid long for $3.69/gal.

  17. Zapruder’s film had less scrutiny.

  18. ZOMG (@ Pizza Port (Ocean Beach) - @pizzaportbeer w/ 2 others) http://t.co/tEE8k9ftYv

  19. Zoo train adventure. @ Saint Louis Zoo http://t.co/rTo56FLQM0

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