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Status Updates posted by spflan

  1. Wow, it's so quiet in the office this morning. Everyone is gone. Only 2 of 9 people from my group are in this morning (including myself).

  2. RT @DaveRamsey Is this what the Gov. uses on your paycheck? http://t.co/RZfqyUHoDe

  3. Wait, so the PS4 is only considered "next-gen"? When are they going to stop calling the current systems "next-gen"?

  4. Finally tried the #BingItOn challenge. Good job Microsoft. http://t.co/eSQGTjnY

  5. Yay....more snow is on it's way.

  6. RT @androidandme New post: New Weather Channel app barely resembles terrible predecessor http://t.co/kibCcrsS by @du57in

  7. What a long day. I'm not used to working late anymore. It feels like it's time to go to bed as soon as I walk through the door.

  8. Aaron Swartz, you will be missed. Gone too soon.

  9. RT @cnnbrk Flu outbreak has reached epidemic level, official at NIH says http://t.co/ghXNEkV

  10. RT @MPRnews More than 900 Minnesotans hospitalized with flu: http://t.co/6nwks9y

  11. Shared: Android Headlines originally shared this post: Anyone still need an Ingress invite? Pleas... http://t.co/652FdS5

  12. Thought this was an Onion article at first. RT @cnnbrk Chinese man pleads guilty in major software piracy case. http://t.co/ioN4LGr

  13. Kept forgetting to post my photos that I've taken so far this year. Album: Project 365 (7... http://t.co/F0iidxo

  14. I'll retweet that. RT @silversj Quit sucking. #mnvikings

  15. ohmygoodnesscrazyhecticbusymorning

  16. Finished the Max Payne 2 storyline again last night. Now I remember why that is one of my favorite game storylines. It still holds up, too!

  17. Happy New Year everyone!

  18. Darn. Not gonna be able to leave work early. This project is proving to be more difficult than expected. :-(

  19. RT @DaveRamsey Be obsessed with YOUR fiscal cliff. All you can fix is YOU. 2013-Debt Free, Budget, Save, Act Your Wage, Give.

  20. RT @MuffinBurgler Cats forgetting to put their tongues back in their mouths is the best thing ever.

  21. Well it was a productive day, but I think it's time to throw in the hat. 13 hours is long enough. Burned myself out for the moment.

  22. Trying to type 2013, and keep mistyping it as 2012. It's going to take a little bit to break this habit.

  23. RT @MPRArtHounds 400 Bar announces it will vacate current location, sell off memorabilia: http://t.co/RaJIMDq via @LocalCurrent

  24. Bubbly tasting at the wine shoppe!

  25. Merry Christmas everyone!

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