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Everything posted by jagmanbrg

  1. So you have two separate Sprint accounts and want to form under one Framily? Take one account with five lines for example we'll call that account (A). You have account B with two lines. We need to get these under the same Framily. Take account A and convert to Framily if it hasn't already been done. Now you have a Framily id, take account B and transfer of liability onto account A, so now you have 7 lines under Framily with the same Id. Now take those two lines from "account B" and transfer back off onto its "own" account. You end up back where you started, but with two "Sprint" accounts with the same Framily ID. Your Welcome!!
  2. lol at the rep bitching about the 5 buck plan, I work at a corp store and sold 30 of em last month and you know how many were on anything less then 15? 0....If a guy came in and wanted the 5 buck plan, thats fine, I'd explain the benefits of the higher data package, but if it didn't take Id activate it on the 5 buck plan and send him on his way. Also to clear some stuff up, reps dont get paid on activation fees, Our at risk is comprised of Activations,CSAT(cust satisfaction),Upgrades/insurance/new myway plans and Accessories. If your putting people on the 15 dollar plan and there asking to be put on the 5 dollar plan, I feel sorry for you, cause the hammer is coming down in the next week.
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