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Status Updates posted by abalistar

  1. Whoa... This movie doesn't suck nearly as much as I thought it would. That is both a good and bad thing... Hrm...

  2. Didn't win any millions. But at least I got to feel that rush of pure disappointment that life simply continues as usual. Worth the $6!

  3. I'm at Brewha Coffee House (Columbia City, IN) http://t.co/XzjMMDSJ

  4. Instead of turning off my window a/c fan, I just kicked on my space heater... I'm an asshole to those poor polar bears...

  5. Ew. I just accidentally watched a minute of Two and a Half Men. :(

  6. I need to blow the doors off the rap game, and make my emergence as 3 Chainz.

  7. Damn it... Watching Mad Men, and now I'm craving a Lucky Strike. Who wants to loan me $8?

  8. That awkward moment when you're the only person at work, who isn't trying to kill the rat that's roaming the floor. #diseaseinfestedcute

  9. Space stuff. Pew pew.

  10. Come to Karma and see Jim James listening to My Morning Jacket! Your brain might explode...

  11. Caffeine hangover... Ouch.

  12. At the point of tiredness, where heart warming songs are making me want to cry, and I can't stop giggling. Too bad I'm alone right now #fail

  13. ...7 cups of coffee today... I think I'm dying tonight...

  14. Shitty, but expected, start to the day. Time to try and cheer myself up with some Phantasm.

  15. Between the @FatPossum and @SFRupdates sales, I'm pretty sure I'm spending all my money on vinyl next month...

  16. My thanksgiving feast was left over pizza. I win this holiday.

  17. I miss the days when I had money to take advantage of these damn deals. Now I don't even have enough to buy that noose. Woe is me.

  18. Yay! Thanksgiving... Also known as "just another work day," to me. Because I'm a moron.

  19. Ahhh, after 3 nights of awesome sleep, it's reassuring to be back to my usual, craptastic sleep patterns.

  20. I should have gone to Breaking Dawn premieres and started saying "I'll break your dawn ;)" to every1. Guarantee I coulda gotten laid. I fail

  21. Okay, I need to meet Angus Scrimm. Someone make it happen.

  22. I wonder what a clown vagina looks like... To the internets!

  23. Ugh... Post con depression is brutal. I've now slept 10+ hours every day this week.

  24. Oof. Looks like my tiny bit of Black Friday money is now going to my dentist. Woe is me... And my teeth.

  25. Reading comics, and listening to a Happy Days soundtrack... Fuck... I'm too awesome for y'all.

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