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Everything posted by moramajama

  1. I like cats, but I don't know if I'd want to own one...unless my cat was *this* cool. http://t.co/utulHB68

  2. I love the Shins, but is there a Shins chorus that doesn't consist of a vi-I-IV chord progression? C'mon, James. #musicnerdrant

  3. "This is what happens when you" POKE A STRANGER REALLY FAST! #thebiglebowski #paraphrased http://t.co/14xxVjST

  4. I love you; I'm just not *in* love with you. I mean--you're *nothing* like Edward Cullen. #twistedbreakuplines

  5. You're really a great person...for someone else with lower standards than I have. #twistedbreakuplines

  6. "I'm getting so absent-minded and forgetful. Sometimes in the middle of a sentence, I . . . " - Milton Berle

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