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Status Updates posted by dixonwiles

  1. @AshLeeStrong I'm going to be charitable and assume you're just too naive to know what the fuck you're talking abou… https://t.co/ppRWmqPuJF

  2. @Vistagirl22 @Dallas_Observer Ha ha ha!!!! You stole this tweet. Not even an original thought.

  3. @ddittmar9 @CPinNashville @funder This makes zero sense. A stupid tweet. Dipshit level. Pretends Dems have some con… https://t.co/hcAct1XSxu

  4. RT @petershankman: This is Sgt. Al Powell, who, even though primarily a desk cop, was integral in stopping a huge terrorist attack in LA in…

  5. @SteveJazz @CNN You think more dollar stores ..a place designed to attract the newly poor...is a sign economy is do… https://t.co/jcS8QK3n4D

  6. @AaronWardrum OAN??? Jesus...can't imagine that office.

  7. @NYT @SojournerNow Who gives a shit. Have you seen the world lately?

  8. @dallasnews The GOP always puts corporate profits ahead of we the people. They see citizens as punching bags for th… https://t.co/84eG7zKxzt

  9. @joshtpm I can't believe how many liberals seem ready to jettison Franken in some bizarre purity push that bears no… https://t.co/XCW9boD1xy

  10. @SteveDeaceShow @MooreSenate Is this the don lemon easy squeasy peezy dude?

  11. @MarthaRaddatz So dumb you're wasting everyone's time with @KellyannePolls. She's a liar and traitor speaking for a… https://t.co/PfFOt5XoYb

  12. @AHS_Warranty @erinrobotson Hmm. Kind of sounds like how a criminal outfit would operate. They want to steal your $… https://t.co/7fDuWQ3AV7

  13. @NewsPuppet @DiamondandSilk No real American would advocate for military rule. This is all fever swamp fantasy bullshit.

  14. @RoseannForTrump @Linda00030316 @kc2egl @GenJohnKelly You're a fucking liar. Typical dishonest Trumptard.

  15. @AHS_Warranty Best idea would be to take that home warranty money and use it for the makeover since y'all don't actually cover much.

  16. @greta @realDonaldTrump What a sycophantic lickspittle you are. A pathetic propagandist. A traitor to the truth.

  17. @JewelODesert @VotingFemaIe @JacobAWohl @realDonaldTrump @DanaPerino @BradThor Can't reason with a dotard.

  18. @LaymanGeorge @jaketapper Are you fucking serious? The Pres lies in our face but you play tone police b/c you can't accept reality.

  19. RT @xtrixcyclex: Every insane tweet from @realdonaldtRUmp (so like every tweet) is a new opportunity to trend #25thAmendment - folks is thi…

  20. @JoeyTheThird @vet4democracy @AndyRichter And proves it!! Great stuff!

  21. @DaleHudspeth @dallasnews @cscudder Debatable. "Well-regulated militia".

  22. @imdavelittle Rattle that establishment cage, Dave!!

  23. @steffansears @robtdfischl @JohnTDolan @POTUS44 Sniff glue much?

  24. @seacliff4 @CillizzaCNN You're deplorable.

  25. Can't wait to laugh in the face of the next right-winger who claims they're pro-life. They're pro-eugenics.

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