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Posts posted by whodatboy77

  1. Havent been on this site for a bit, lots going on and I have missed alot. Glad to see sprint should be turning on lte n bmore soon. Hopefully we wont be far behind. While nv may be the future of sprint, I have been very frustrated as of lately with the service or lack their of but hopefully things will start to speed up in the silver spring/olney area of MD.


    Sent from my Awesome Samsung Galaxy S3 via Tapatalk 2 baby.

  2. The market will start seeing LTE soon. And sites will come live every week. However, it will take more than 6 months to complete every site in the market.


    Even Verizon hasn't completed every site in the market. Not even close. Remain calm.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    Thank you Robert for the helpful and up to date information. It is much appreciated

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  3. The last time I tested I was in Greenbelt and I got 3.11Mbps/1.45Mbps on Wimax and 0.28mbps/0.43Mbps on 3G. I work in Silver Spring near Georgia and Seminary but I am mostly on WiFi but sometimes I can only get 1x speeds before I hit the Beltway.


    Thes best Wimax I've gotten in awhile was 6.20Mbps/1.43Mbs. I rarely test anymore because I find that the testing numbers keeps me focused on the minutiae rather than my actual user experience.


    Yeah, I see. I use to do a lot of speed tests til I came upon this site. Seeing how there are no active NV sites up and running in my area I guess its kind of pointless. The best 3G speeds I got on the Georgia Ave corridor not too far from you were about 0.44 down. I usually average between 400-600. Not the best but enough to stream pandora. However I have gotten 11-16 Mbps down on 4g (wimax). I use wi-max as much as I can with those speeds :lol:

  4. I have to admit that the article was a little discouraging. I still plan on sticking with Sprint because their data plan prices are the best fit for my family right now. I don't fret about data speeds as much as others because the majority of my data usage is via WiFi but I can understand the frustration that folks are feeling, especially when seeing those speed comparisons.


    Hey what speeds are you seeing in the DC metro area?? I'm in the silver spring area

  5. I'm not gonna get all technical and stuff, I just hope sprint's network vision and "aggressive" Lte rollout happens fast, My 3G speeds are subpar but I do enjoy fast wi-max. We all know about the unreliability of wi-max in buildings and so on. I just fast and reliable 3g and 4g service from sprint for the foreseeable future. If they can accomplish that and still keep their prices competitive along with unlimited data, they should have a good and profitable future........And keep vow and att honest with prices.

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