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Posts posted by ArmyStrong34

  1. Don't know what's been going on for the past couple of days but we have had some real issues sending and receiving calls near 270 and Georgesville and down into Grovecity. When my phone rings and I pick it up I can be sure that whoever is on the other end is not going to be able to hear me.


    Hope this gets worked out soon.



    Yep - I thought that the new tower that went up at Georgesville Rd exit on the west side of the interstate would help, but no such luck!


    The new tower that went up there is for Verizon. Sprint has a tower caddy corner right behind the storage place and across from Walmart, its kind of hard to spot since its mixed in with the power lines. I usually get pretty good service there depending on the time of day, I'm sure it all depends on the network congestion.

  3. Here's another one. This site is on Alkire Rd near Demorest. I don't know for sure what the address is there. I was driving up 270 and saw the lines and what looked like a panel hanging from one of them. In one of the pics I took I caught something that they were sending down one of the lines.


    I'm going to have to set up a hosting service because I really have to cut down the quality of the pictures I take in order to post them.





  4. kineticman,

    The picture you posted is of a cabinet that was already there. If you are looking at the site there are 4 raised pads. The cabinet they installed is on the pad that's farthest from the parking lot and on the left. I have driven by it several times since the permit was first applied for and that pad was empty before they started work. If I can get out of work before its dark I'll try to get over there an get a pic.



  5. Progress!!!


    This is the site at 556 Norton Rd. I drive by it everyday to and from work. A new cabinet was there on a trailer this morning now it looks like the cabinet is inside and they are working on it. I'll try to get a better picture later. I snapped this with my iPhone while driving down the road.



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  6. So, after I called the other day, and threw out my little rant on here, everything seems to be back to normal again. Not exactly fast but I get my calls again and speeds are, umm, somewhat useable.


    Jeffisbiking, I agree with andycapps, you need to do whatever is best for you. However, in a few months when we have LTE up and going here in Columbus you are probably going to be kicking yourself in the tail for switching to the red check mark. As much as they brag about their LTE it's not what it's cracked up to be. While they do have some pretty good data speeds from time to time I have issues getting voice service and miss a lot of calls or calls sound pretty bad sometimes on my work phone. Like I said before, first and foremost, it's a phone.


    As for me? I'm hanging on and riding out the storm. I had the one CSR that flat out lied to me but, I think you will get that from time to time with just about any company's customer service. Other than that guy Sprints customer service has been great to me and its why I have been with them for so long. I'm just hoping at this point that they get started with the upgrades soon. But, for the most part, I'm waiting patiently.

  7. Well... I called Sprint a little while ago and the CSR told me that everything in the area is working just fine. She said she would create a ticket because We are getting no data at all. Sensorly, had 0.00 down and .01 up and speedtest wouldn't do anything at all. I can make phone calls but I missed at least 1 that I know of. What's frustrating to me more than anything is that anytime I talk to someone they flat out lie to me. They tell me it's because there are network upgrades in progress "The tower on xxxx road is getting upgraded to LTE and should be done real soon". I know from being on this website that its a bunch go bologna.


    Ya know, I would be a whole lot more understanding if they said there was an outage or we were over capacity but nothing makes me more mad than a lie.


    I can live with slow data but not receiving calls is over the line. Before anything else, it's a phone and should work as a phone when you have full service.


    Rant over.



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  8. Don't know what is going on on the far west side of Columbus today but everywhere I went I carried around a paper weight. I was stuck on 1x. If someone sent me a text it was taking ten to fifteen minutes to get it. I missed a couple of phone calls and when i tried to make one my phone wouldn't connect. I understand that the network is overloaded but that's just not right. Sprint says there are no outages in my area.


    Now, at least, I'm back on 3G but I ran a speed test a minute ago and had 1369ms ping, .04Mbps down and .00Mbps up at 8:30. I read other people complaining about getting .5Mbps down and I'm almost jealous of them. Is anyone else having data issues this bad in Columbus? It could be my phone I guess.


    A few weeks ago I was a little frustrated because I couldn't send a picture. I just thought oh well, NV is right around the corner. But, not being able to make or receive phone calls is a real issue. I have never had issues like this with Sprint. I have been with them for 13 years and have always had great service at home. I hope there is just a tower issue or something.



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  9. Any word on upgrades in Ohio yet?


    I recently upgraded to an iPhone 5 even though I knew LTE was not going to be available for a while. However, I got used to WiMAX and now have figured out just how slow Sprint's 3G can be. For instance, I just ran speedtest and got 804ms ping, .07 Mbps down and it didn't even register an upload speed. It takes about 15 min for a picture to send if it sends at all. Honestly, I'm not looking to stream high def movies or anything crazy like that, but sending a picture of the kids to the wife shouldn't be too unreasonable.


    So I wasn't just interested in LTE but a little 3G love would be great. According to network.sprint.com, the tower that is about 500 yards from my house had a data speed upgrade in the last 6 months. Like I said I know LTE is a ways off but I'm hoping someone knows something is coming soon.





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