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Everything posted by fightcrazy

  1. RT @SheriffClarke: Our President @realDonaldTrump brought his A-Game to the UN today. The world saw today what we get to see EVERYDAY. REAL…

  2. @Sandaura @realDonaldTrump President Donald Trump is the only President who has increased military spending, ... https://t.co/h1ZJhw8XZ9

  3. RT @IngrahamAngle: POLL: Most voters want refugee numbers cut to 25,000 or less https://t.co/N9TDZtlgnt

  4. @POTUS @ericbolling @seanhannity @LouDobbs @billoreilly Doesn't it bother anyone that Eric Boilling is the ... https://t.co/mLxfUnMIGd

  5. I don't think a repeater will work in a area without LTE to begin with. You must have some kind of LTE signal for a repeater to work, I think that is how it goes. I have a signal booster at my house and it was the best investment I ever made. All bars all the time.
  6. Sprint isn't showing their customers they really give a hell. Not showing up at a routine Council Meeting which is mandatory and Sprint knows this. They get rejected, all on Sprint. That is total crap and I am pissed off. I live in Waltham. Now we know why we get lousy Sprint coverage. This is probably happening everywhere if it happened in Waltham. Total Fail on Sprint. Thank God they got bought out.
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