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Status Updates posted by Dec1968

  1. Non-Retina keeps me away “@mashable: iPad Mini Review Roundup: Quality Tablet, But Non-Retina Display Disappoints - http://t.co/pMAWPMKM”

  2. Kinda cool how it all worked out “@gruber: The amazing thing is, Steve Jobs bought Pixar from… George Lucas.”

  3. What?!?! “@GoTeamMegan: Why is no one else talking about the TANKER that landed on Staten Island?”

  4. Bad idea “@CrackBerry: BlackBerry 10 devices will need to have a BlackBerry data plan - http://t.co/8ySEHZEY”

  5. My Dad was stationed there long ago. Wearing my USMC sweatshirt now. “@WarrenSapp: On my way to Camp Pendleton!” http://t.co/g1BDAhzS

  6. Women, would you do this? “@HuffingtonPost: The "intimate" injection women are paying for http://t.co/oqqHmW0t”

  7. ROFLMAO “@Gartenberg: Seriously Microsoft, you tossed a hurricane at Google's event in NY? Talk about getting your mojo back.”

  8. Father Time “@BuffaloSports12: @NFLRT Who wins in a foot race... Drew Bledsoe or Peyton Manning?”

  9. Do this if u want a free Boxee TV “@boxee: @whoisvince We kindly demand you please take this quick survey to qualify: http://t.co/0tkgRM3k”

  10. So Clinton was lucky..“@OMGFactsSex: In Washington D.C. it's illegal to do any other position other than missionary during intercourse”

  11. What is the best low cost PC to use for storing movies and iTunes to free up my laptop? Media usage only, not anything else. HDMI a must.

  12. “@wilw: Really looking forward to taking a tour of the basement in the Alamo while I'm in Texas this weekend.” http://t.co/eghiuXsA

  13. “@jkendrick: Been on this new iPad for 1-1.5 hours of heavy use and battery meter at 95%. 8-)” that's great. Didn't check - is it a 4?

  14. “@mashable: Are Apple's Profit Margins at the Start of a Long Decline? http://t.co/TTs46p4P”

  15. “@SeymourDuncan: Do you have a favorite local store - or do you do most of your shopping online?” Local

  16. This is the most sound reason to wait for the 'next' iPad mini - http://t.co/g2rvDTuZ #ipadmini #apple #ipad

  17. OpenwebOS meets TV, by LG - http://t.co/QrmRZBIa

  18. “Verizon brands the Galaxy Note II home button with logo http://t.co/kANsCzly http://t.co/aColrGb9” They need to be stopped!

  19. QUESTION: Why use #NFC technology? Give your best use of NFC beyond the payment world. I like homework assignments in college via NFC. #NFC

  20. “@bbempire: Is RIM's Marketing Strategy Brilliant? - http://t.co/G18DLgbm #teamblackberry” umm no

  21. “@toddarcher: Just filed @ESPNDallas - Cowboys fear Sean Lee needs season ending surgery on right big toe” YIKES!!

  22. “@Apple10fanboy: Wow @KimDotcom made it to the first page on the App Store http://t.co/4o3Ga3of” Dot com

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