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Status Updates posted by AL_Clements

  1. Badger and skinny Pete are my favorite breaking bad characters

  2. Don't act like you aren't jealous of my new beer glass http://t.co/nH2sFNCVkD

  3. Some of the weirdest weather I've seen. Sunny as hell and raining so hard it looks like a white wall http://t.co/4QFbxfQ2wi

  4. It is very strange to go to Tolly Ho in the day

  5. Remove all the space within the atoms making up the human body, and every person that's ever lived would fit inside a baseball #Crazy

  6. The message I just got from my cousin >>>> http://t.co/ibiqhp0o3c

  7. "@adamstein: How far is it to Mars? this is cool: http://t.co/unFJ0DfrV5(h/t @gruber)" this is incredible

  8. The news about North Korea is important and scary but it is nearly unanimous that their rockets cannot reach mainland US or even Hawaii

  9. Just gave blood and have a pulse of 52 and blood pressure of 108/58.. #StrongHeart

  10. Pineapple Express is definitely in my top 5 favorite movies

  11. In case you are wondering there is a Wikipedia page for Mom Jeans

  12. and also "thank your granddad for donating that plaid button-up shirt"

  13. It will be a challenge to watch all of Game of Thrones before the new season but I'm up to the challenge

  14. The madness continues

  15. Guess what the theme song for the show Vikings is @Jakethesnake25 @Bradennnnn

  16. I just heard pop lock and drop it. Brought back some memories @Bradennnnn @Jakethesnake25 @Pistol_Pete111 @btspalding

  17. I just saw a squirrel eating a muffin... And yes it was awesome to see

  18. "Taking it back to the old school because I'm an old fool who's so cool" #tbt #DDB #AirGuitar @alysonh22 @BekaCecil http://t.co/vMQ7hu3bxk

  19. "@jrleach1: Want to wish a great friend @monewt12 good luck at his pro day today. Do it big brother." here, here

  20. I just saw the old prospector that worked at Commons freshman year @alysonh22 @jritt51

  21. I'm about to crawl under my house to try and find the animal that died under there. #MondayFunDay

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