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S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by KinMcKey

  1. Beautifuk calm driving.

  2. Y'all make me SO sick on Twitter! Lmao.

  3. I'm Cynthia Pickles for halloween.

  4. Instagram is doing wonders for Halloween. It's the reason half of y'all getting dressed up, to take a picture. Ugh. *gets dressed*

  5. This dog is snoring. I love em to death but I can't take this.

  6. Hialeah has a Fair? I'll pass.

  7. That's so sad. :/

  8. I hate seeing that.

  9. 26 going on 27. RT @mr_TRL: @KinMcKey how old is this friend...

  10. I keep it all separate.

  11. I still haven't closed that twitcon he put up. Every time I scroll to this home screen I get a good cackle out of it.

  12. So my mother just ran bath water and forgot it was on and flooded half the house.

  13. I feel terrible for liking that status, God will handle me.

  14. It's extremely windy.

  15. If Poopty knew any better he would hate him too.

  16. Good God the iMac is beautiful.

  17. You can always tell when the gays are talking about you.

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