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    Pixel 3
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    Sprint Fan Boy (or Girl)
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JEBrossard's Achievements

Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. I was traveling northbound on 405, just north of exit 12, SE 8th St. There is a big retaining wall there on the east side, the freeway is kinda in a hole there. Perhaps a cell was down for maintenance. And yes, around exit 152 is where I drop (or lose audio but not drop) VoLTE calls regularly. CDMA calls seem to live through that area.
  2. I drive from Mill Creek to Fife and back every weekday, and I've had some dropouts, regularly on the South Center hill for example. Mostly south of Seattle although tonight a dropout as well on 405 in downtown Bellevue. I have some SignalCheck Pro logs if you are interested.
  3. I have a Pixel 3, and with Android 10 I noticed in carrier settings I can now enable VoLTE. It seems to work pretty well in the greater Seattle area, with some dropouts occurring as I drive south of Seattle. Is the Seattle market officially turned on for VoLTE?
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