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Posts posted by CAREND

  1. I built an excellent gaming rig, i think i'm done with consoles.  If and when my 360 goes, i'll get rid of it and be done with the console, or store it like i do my age old consoles (NES, Sega, N64, turbografx16, etc...).  You've got amazon and steam selling games for cheaper so i think the consoles are ontheir way out.

  2. Well maybe you have a defective unit, who knows but there will always be that small percentage of users that will have issues regardless of what type of phone it is.  I bought a One and Gs4(both on release day) and both performed the same when it came to real world rf performance.  I ended up returning the gs4 because of how it stuttered when using the device and this is with all the added features turned off.  I may just end up getting a used note 2 which is still a better device than the gs4 anyway or just waiting for the note 3.  

    I agree it is probably a defective unit.  The only other thing i can think of it being is that i got the upgrade from my account and took the phone and put it on my gf's account.  maybe somewhere there it got messed up.  It took over 2 hours to get the phone activated initially, so that may have been a sign of issues to come.  Like i stated before though, I updated the profile and it works for now, but we will see how it is later.


    I do know however that i have to get the MSL and chang ethe lte timer from 300 back to like 30 or 5

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  3. just curious, what color HTC one's do you guys have? I believe the hand grip issue is a little bit better on the black versus the white model.

    I have the black one, but it doesn't seem to be a grip issue.  I just don't get text/calls in some areas.

  4. I don't think it's just him.  I've been having issues with my ONE not getting emails or calls.  the gf on the other hand has the gs4 and hasn't had a signal issue to date.  Actualy, hers outperforms mine in almost every catagory.  I love the phone but the service issues are really becoming bothersome.  I didn't get any signal again until i got home, where i have an airave.  I've also had it resend a message to me 9+ times and hours or days later.

  5. Depending on which house i'm at will depend on which system is better.  At my house, i have an RT-N66U running to two switches throughout the house for wired connections and 2 SSID'd wifi connections.  At any one time there will be three desktops, 5 or more cell phones (just can't let some of those old ones go), and up to 4 laptops plus a few game systems and a smart tv.  initially, we were at like 15/1 on TWC.  If someone was streaming, the whole network would just go flat on it's face as that is prioritized on the router as highest.  We upped to 30/5 (which we really get about 37/7) and since then the lag and speeds have been well maintained. 
    Go to the gf's house, and unfortunately, there is a pain in bypassing the router there, and since it's not my house, i won't upgrade to the rt-n66u.  There is a bridge in one room that feeds wifi (non-n) to the garage which streams whichever service, there are 2 smart tv's, a desktop, up to 5 laptops since someone always has two or more of theirs on at all times, ipads, nooks, 5 phones, printer, plus guests.  since there is no N-wifi, most of the laptops and wireless devices max at 18mbps, but the desktop and smart tv's are wired in and since they stream and with the constant barrage of photo uploads from the photography, the Fios at 75/35 made the underperformace in the wireless a little easier to deal with and the upload of 10mb photos, thousands at a time, is just so much better then when it was the 25/10 we started with. 
    A good router definately helps when you start adding the ridiculous amounts of wireless devices that us rather large families deal with.

  6. my gf and i got one of each, the GS4 and the ONE. So far, the GS4 grabs 4g quicker than the one, holds it longer than the one and will connect to 4g and the one won't. that and i already have a scratch on the screen where my LTEVO was fine without a screen protector since the first day.

    I'm going to give it a week and if i'm not happy, it's going back. Maybe in exchange for the gs4 or i'll just wait.

  7. I haven't been using a case and the back is not scratched up. A couple of times I thought I had scratched it, but it was just residue from whatever it was rubbing against. It wiped right off.


    On the other hand, there is what looks to be a plastic trim piece on either side of the front of the phone; that has a couple of minor dents that aren't all that upsetting.


    I noticed that on the LTEVO also where it looked like my keys had scracthed the speaker area on the phone and it rubbed right off as if there was no scratch. I'm thinking it is something in the anodization process of the aluminum. I know we do chemical treatments on our aluminum work. However i'm sure a severe scratch that is significant to cut under the anodized aluminum will show as a scratch.

  8. i wish that they would futher their work around Dodgers stadium. It is just death in there for sprint. VZW and ATT seem to be fine, it's t-mo and Sprint that just can't hold a signal. I get an OK when in 4G but i can barely hold it. My tickets are by the visiting bullpen, so there's room for improvement.

  9. Boy that is slick! Can't believe I'm actually seeing LTE in the Vegas Valley!! Yahooooo; BTW, Josh I resemble being tagged a NERD; that's only for my wife and besides who ever heard of a 65 year old NERD!!


    Did you mean resent, cause i think a few of us resemble nerds.




    • A foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious: "one of those nerds who never asked a girl to dance".
    • An intelligent, single-minded expert in a particular technical discipline or profession.



    In conclusion, most of us will fit the bill in someway.

    I'm hoping there will be more 4g by the time i head out there this summer?

  10. Robert reliable in the way of people not knowing what it is and when they should be using it!\


    Actually, if you use the phone app, which is all i use, you can definately tell where a tower is as far as mapping went. Being a sponsor and in the OC area, you should check the sensorly map relative to the towers, and you can see the differences and distances of the signal. I know that in HB i'm a good mile and change from the beach/indianapolis tower and it shows thusly on sensorly. The only thing i would see as unreliable may be the carryover from towers and the density of signal.

  11. We would have no way of knowing. You would need to confirm by posting some signal metrics that the nearby site is currently active. It sounds like it could be down, or the radiation pattern could have been changed as part of its Network Vision makeover.




    I'll see what i come up with later when i get home.

    Dial *99 if you are connected through airave, you will hear computer telling you that you are connected to an airave. Other easy way of telling is also by three beeps when you dial out or accepting calls.


    Most of the time if i make a call i know it's on the airrave, they just happened to update the tower nearest me.

  12. No, if you no longer need the Airave, turn it off. You could be causing interference issues for your neighbors.





    Would this be the reason signal in my residence has gone from full to half or none in my residence? I'm near a tower that has been upgraded at least on the 3g side about a block away.

  13. Opening day at Dodger Stadium was atrocious. Little 4G at least on field level and when it's pack, gl to everyone. I had creat 1x but no data or in and out the whole time, even after leaving the game. I did take a picture of the Tower, maybe someone can ID if there is sprint there or not.


  14. What if the sites completed map was broken down into say smaller parts of the country. I can never load it on my LTEVO, my slightly older desktop and laptop get a script error but they load soon enough, my work computer gets destroyed trying to open most of the interactive maps, but my main computer is fine (i7-3770k, 16gb ram).

  15. Depending on what camera you have now, learn the basic ideas behind photography instead of using the auto function, you might see some slightly better to much better images. Changes to features such as ISO, aperture, f-stop, white balance and modes can make a large enough difference in image quality, you wouldn't even need a DSLR.


    But as AJ said, you won't get anything good for less than $1000. I have over 6k in equipment and that is only 2 good lenses and a body with four OK lenses. Forget about megapixel and focus on OPTICAL zoom, aperture (2.0 or less if possible) and a higher ISO. These feature will help with getting some amazing pictures/video depending on the camera and its sensor. Do the research and find one that has a good image sensor as well.


    GL in the search.

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