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Status Updates posted by 26hundred

  1. Pretty sure @sullydish clef the president a nigger just now. I'm uncomfortable. http://t.co/FWoaOcf7

  2. RT @afropunk: Cops complain about white people wasting police time calling 911 with irrational fears of Black people https://t.co/h53N9jWZ…

  3. Sorry Bob Woodward.

  4. Seems like my favorite meat has been horse this whole time.

  5. One day I hope to have enough money to waste on this awesome watch. http://t.co/dyPA9U4Xai

  6. It's one small step for man. One giant leap for energy drink marketing.

  7. Sometimes I chomp Doritos to the beat of "Eye of the Tiger"

  8. “@cschweitz: LOL: @Walmart is Now Selling an ‘I http://t.co/RAF5bB19 SMH” @alex_abads

  9. Fuck all of you. I'm at the top of YouTube.

  10. BREAKING “@DRUDGE_REPORT: Girl transfers to new school... http://t.co/JFJeMzn5”

  11. I'm accidentally sitting through a Kiss concert tonight.

  12. “@fivethirtyeight: Awaiting a couple more polls, but possible our model will show its largest one-day swing of the year.” fuck

  13. Why my two great loves are Star Trek and politics. http://t.co/FuljRWUm

  14. Art Garfunkel is probably dead right?

  15. As a Latin American whose ancestors were raped by my other ancestors I find it OUTRAGEOUS that I don't have Columbus Day off.

  16. Papa Roach's playing in Moscow tonight y'all.

  17. I bet Mitt Romney is planning to buy a factory just so he can close it down and get unemployment back over 8%Or he can fire Jim Lehrer.

  18. Also, it looks like John Kerry's shot at becoming Secretary of State just plummeted

  19. "Would Sex and the City 2 be considered a dystopian science fiction film if it were shown to an 1950's audience?" http://t.co/QNUWgzsz

  20. “@DRUDGE_REPORT: COULTER: 'He Just Turns It On and Suddenly We Got Malcolm X'...” next thing you'll know, they'll name streets after him

  21. “@DRUDGE_REPORT: Nicki Minaj threatens to punch out Mariah Carey during 'AMERICAN IDOL' taping... http://t.co/6Mwjkva4” THAT ACCENT

  22. Yesssssss. Obama DID INDEED know Rev. Wright in 2007. Pack your bags bitch.#voteromney http://t.co/ZazRjYOa

  23. This is a humiliating night for @drudge and @TuckerCarlson. Just finished reading the bombshell 2007 speech here: http://t.co/2r2l6hSl

  24. “@gruber: I’m worried Bobby Valentine is going to get fired before this game is over.”

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